498 of 710 found this to have none
405 of 658 found this moderate
Many scenes of violence including laser gun fights, stabbings, slashings, characters being decapitated, blasted nearly to death by fantastical powers, and violent fistfights.
A woman is shot in the leg suddenly, as she screams in pain. Blood is visible on her pants.
A man is pushed off a spaceship and slammed onto the ground. He is killed and smashed against the ground several more times.
The bullet shots in the human skin are detailed and can be seen with blood.
Occasional blood, both from aliens and humans.
A woman largely comprised of robotic parts stretching and contorting her broken limbs as she reforms after being injured.
A woman's arm is broken during a fight, with the break being clearly heard as she screams.
A person is reduced to a charred corpse after being blasted by fantastical energy.
A man is attacked by an animal, clawing at his face
Several large explosions, some injuring people caught in the blast.
434 of 721 found this moderate
One use of "fuck," and several uses of mild-moderate profanities: "Shit", "dick", "dickhead", "asshole", "douche bag", "bitch", "piss", "ass", "freaking/friggin", "hell", and "damn".
"Fuck" is used once, played for laugh but still vulgar/offensive for some viewers when it's uncensored.
Insults includes "stupid", "bitch", "asshole", "dickhead", "screw you", "shut up", "idiot", "twit", "moron" and "dumb".
While not usually including profanity there are a lot of verbal abuse scenes including shouting at people and animals. These scenes are extensive and stressful.
One very use of the F-bomb in the MCU by Quill. "Open the fucking door."
"Suck," "god," "piss," "hell," "damn," "ass," "bitch," "dick," "asshole," "shit," and one use of "fuck" respectively.
455 of 559 found this mild
Aliens are briefly seen dealing an unnamed drug. Later, a man refers to dealing 'meth'.
One of the protagonists appears drunk, and is referenced as being a pattern of behavior.
502 of 844 found this severe
Several dark, brutal, and upsetting scenes throughout, including some heavily disturbing, discomforting, and thematic, however it should be noted that all of this is heavily implied and not shown.
Sequences of animal abuse/testing.
Rocket's past is extremely upsetting and dark and very sad.
Some of the aliens can look weird and slightly scary.
Lots of intense, sad breakdowns throughout the movie
While largely a comedy, there are many extremely sad elements and horrible flashbacks which may be upsetting to watch. The darkest film in the series.
Many instances of animal abuse, some being extended and detailed. May be difficult to watch. Especially for animal lovers.
The main villain, The High Evolutionary, is an extremely cruel and unforgiving individual who brutally tortures animals and conducts deadly experiments on them. As such, his barbaric demeanor and intimidating nature can be very disturbing.
The extended climactic ending is quite intense.
The skin of a man's face is peeled off, very gory and frightening to some viewers.