6 of 8 found this to have none
The penis of a dead body is briefly visible. Easy to miss.
A few shots of injured people laying in the street partially disrobed. Private areas are usually covered or blocked out.
9 of 9 found this severe
Scenes of violence, cars and buildings on fire.
Rocks and bottles are thrown at people and cars, followed by looting of many stores. Random people in the streets are beaten.
A man is beaten and kicked by officers. He is later shown with several injuries to his face and body including burn marks on his chest. A video of his attack is replayed several times and analysed.
A mob pulls a man out of his truck and severely beats him. He is shown in the street with a bloody face and very little movement. Someone spray paints his unconscious body.
People engage in fist fights.
Low quality security camera of a girl being shot in the head is shown. Little detail can be seen.
People arm themselves with weapons and shoot at other people.
Dead bodies are shown, many from gunshots. Bullet wounds are shown.
5 of 7 found this severe
'Shit' is said several times.
'Hell' is said several times.
'Bastard' is said.
'Ass' is said.
'Sh*t' is said several times.
'Nigger' is said many times throughout the film. If she s said several times by one man repeating the comments allegedly made to him by authorities.
Racial slurs are used against Latinos and Whites.
Some minor name calling.
3 of 4 found this to have none
8 of 8 found this severe
Many people are shown arguing and yelling.
Many threats of violence, often relating to race.
People try to defend their businesses from looters and arsonists and are mocked.
People cry when stores and property are looted or burned.
The many acts of violence and deaths on screen are difficult to watch.
The repeated playing of the Rodney King beatings is disturbing.
Watching several African Americans target whites for attack and harm is disturbing.