After her husband's death, Anna takes her kids to his hometown where the impoverished grandparents live among oil pumps. Despite an unwelcoming reception, she resolves to improve their lives.
5 years later and the oil industry is booming in Norway when an alarm sounds on the Bravo platform. Rein finds himself at the center of a disaster that thrusts environmental protection into the political spotlight.
Toril realizes that the partying has gone too far and asks God for help to sober up. Frank gives Christian an ultimatum that would require a big investment.
Nyman Diving tests the new ROV, leaving the divers disgruntled. They are missing out on the extra wages for deep dives. On the platform, Komponent's drilling cabin is installed, and Rein is in charge of training a new, young drilling engineer.
To Anna's horror, she discovers safety protocols are being ignored during test dives. Meanwhile, Christian unwraps the complexities of C-Max's financial struggles.
Phillips Petroleum is looking for a place by the coast to build a gigantic tank for oil storage. Dirdal Valley, where Anna's family's farm is situated, is one of the areas they are considering.
The blowout in Ekofisk Bravo is investigated. Meanwhile, Marie prepares to celebrate her christening when she realizes Marius has gone missing. The secret Anna has been holding onto is exposed.