Firefighters in the real world must be clean-shaven. Beards (even long stubble) can interfere with their breathing apparatus and would not be permissible.
The entire purpose of having a captain and lieutenants in a fire station is so there are officers available for all shifts. No fire station would have ALL the officers on the same shift.
No public fire department would allow a parent to be the superior of their own child. They would especially not allow that parent to promote the child (with no oversight).
Moreover, in most Fire and police agencies promotion requires passing an exam to be eligible for promotion, and a significant period of time to pass before eligibility for another promotion.
Moreover, in most Fire and police agencies promotion requires passing an exam to be eligible for promotion, and a significant period of time to pass before eligibility for another promotion.
This show takes place in Seattle. Rarely do they ever show it rain and if you know the region its trees are mostly pine evergreen trees. To find other types of trees is rare. This show is obviously shot in Los Angeles, the weather alone proves this. Seattle is cloudy and rainy sometimes 300 days a year. Every day on this show has them in beautiful sunshine. Not how it is in the pacific north west climate.