- Roger Ebert [Simon Abrams]
- Actionerd [Michael Michaud]
- French
- Asian Film Strike [LP Hugo]
- Asian Movie Pulse [Don Anelli]
- Ben Meyers International Movie Critics
- Blood Brothers [Matt Reifschneider]
- Blu-ray.com [Jeffrey Kauffman]
- Bodakedi [Serkan Murat Kirikci]
- Turkish
- Cultura Magazine [Albert Pang]
- Indonesian
- Don's World of Horror and Exploitation [Don Anelli]
- easternKicks.com [Simon Lam]
- EFilmCritic [Jay Seaver]
- Elements of Madness [Douglas Davidson]
- Erik Lundegaard [Erik Lundegaard]
- Far East Films [Andrew Saroch]
- Geek Culture [John Li]
- Have Cheetah,Will View [Michael Sullivan]
- Hub Pages [Chris Sawin]
- J.B. Spins [Joe Bendel]
- Keeping It Reel [David J. Fowlie]
- Mike's Movie Moments [Michael Nontonmulu]
- My Madness Asia [Raven Switch]
- Spanish
- Neo Film Shop [Andrew Chan]
- Rock! Shock! Pop! [Ian Jane]
- Ryota Nakanishi [Ryota Nakanishi]
- Screen HK [Casey Chong]
- South China Morning Post [Edmund Lee]
- That Moment In [Kim Lo]
- The Action Elite [Eoin]
- VCinema [Daniel Kratky]
- Webs of Significance [YTSL]
- World Film Geek
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