220 of 648 found this mild
Brief buttocks nudity in one episode.
Brief, out-of-focus side breast and bare breast nudity in one episode.
Sex implied.
Some suggestive/sexual dialog.
First episode shows two people in bath tub together, chest is shown but not full nudity.
Male rear nudity.
129 of 197 found this severe
Inhuman creatures are seen being torn in half, and intestines are visible. In one scene, a man is seen close up hacking at a creature's face. Large amounts of blood spray on their face.
In one scene, the camera focuses closely on the face of a dying woman. Blood covers most of her face and large amounts spill from her mouth.
Trollocs are seen eating people, some while still alive.
A man was shown burning a woman, her severed hands were on a table. The scene cut away but not too quickly, this may be frightening for younger viewers.
A wolf is shown eating a dead body, blood and some gore.
There is a body in a hanging cage, a bit of blood but not too bad.
A knife is thrown through a woman's neck, it is quite unexpected and very bloody.
There is a scene where a troloc is eating its friend, it's dark, but you can see very clearly it's ripping things out of body, though this scene is very brief it's quite intense.
Battle scenes; Burning at the stake; and people being eaten, sometimes while still alive, are some examples where violence and gore are present. Most include large amounts of blood, dismemberment, or guts.
There is a lot of blood and open cuts. Some cuts are shown close up. But cut away.
110 of 170 found this mild
117 of 156 found this mild
Many people smoke pipes.
Alcohol is very prevalent in tavern scenes, with several people clearly drunk and some minor characters are implied to be alcoholics in different scenes.
86 of 165 found this severe
Lots of Frightening scenes, many people die graphically.
A horse is shown decaying and turns to ash as it neighs, this can be intense for some viewers.
There are some horror elements, but they are more suspenseful than frightening, outside of some clearly telegraphed jump-scares. 'Intensity' mostly comes from the violence and gore which is very prevalent but affects various people differently.