129 of 334 found this mild
Questioning other character as to why he is back with a former love interest, he asks if she does weird stuff with her tongue
Character says "He still has a hard on for her. A weird gay hard on"
Teenagers make out on bed. Female is straddling him on bed and takes her shirt off, showing her bra. This scene is quickly interrupted and nothing comes of it
A few sexual comments that will probably go over the heads of younger viewers, nothing graphic or offensive
Some occasional kissing, nothing goes further than briefly making out.
Very much a "fan service" kind of show, lots of shirtless guys portrayed in that kind of way.
In season 2, two people make out. They are both naked. Nothing is shown.
3 people are in a three-way relationship.
Lots of romantic tension and corresponding sexual innuendo, ranging from flirtations and talk about "shagging" to couples sleeping in bed together.
There are frequent kisses/sex scenes/talk about sex throughout the show.
83 of 149 found this moderate
A character is scratched by a burned one and we see them bleeding out. We see the wound and it is graphic.
Bloody animal carcasses and corpses are sometimes visible.
The fairies and specialists fight off creatures called "burned ones" in the series. These creatures may be scary or disturbing to some.
A dead body of an animal and a man are seen in the first episode (got killed by the burned ones). We later see wounds on characters that were also from burned one attacks.
(Deleted. Personal opinions about ratings are not appropriate for the Parents Guide.)
Evil monsters are a threat, are sometimes visible. Bloody animal carcasses and corpses are sometimes visible. Knives, swords, other weapons are visible in training sessions and fight scenes. Some arguing between students.
The series can be a bit scary and includes gory scenes which may freighten very young viewers. There are dark creatures called the "Burned Ones" which slash characters resulting in bloody wounds and at times, these creatures kill in a very violent way. There is also a scene in which a character starts a fire in her home, injuring another character.
80 of 167 found this moderate
There are many uses of "Shit", "Bitch", and "Fuck".
A few swear words in each episode. These vary from words like "shit", "bitch", "dick", and "fuck" used in various ways/contexts. Keep in mind that the show revolves around teens so the few swear words are realistic.
Some sexual comments here and there, most will probably go over the heads of younger viewers and aren't graphic or offensive, more so used as jokes
There is way more profanity in the second season.
Curses like "hell," "bitch," "bollocks," "asshole," "shit." Sexual references like "pussy" are audible.
The first word said in the whole series is a usage of "Fuck".
The series contains some strong language, as mentioned above.
83 of 152 found this moderate
Drugs are frequently used throughout the series.
Alcohol consumed at a party in one episode. Weed brownies are also brought to this party but we don't see the affects of them. Certain characters smoke/vape occasionally.
Season two shows underage drinking.
Teen alcohol consumption (hard liquor, beer) and pot smoking are visible. Adults are seen drinking wine and hard liquor. Some drunken behavior.
The series does contain drug use. One of the characters continually smokes pot throughout the series and other character engage in the smoking with her.
72 of 135 found this moderate
Some could find the burned ones disturbing or creepy
Rosalind snaps Farah's neck with magic and kills her, some could find this disturbing to watch. We do not see any blood or gore, she is buried in a hole by magic right after it happens. Not graphic, very quick, blink and you'll miss it. This scene is at the end of the final episode.
Typical scenes might frighten very young viewers: creepy monsters, growls, dead sheep hanging from tree. Kid goes into forest and is watched by a monster, teacher tells a horror story about the monster, girl gets chased by monster,
Reactions to betrayals and emotional confrontations are sometimes intense.
(Deleted. Personal opinions about suitable viewing ages are not appropriate for the Parents Guide.)
Sense of peril throughout the show