906 reviews
First off, pros, beautiful cinematography and a captivating storyline. Second, cons, angsty teens with powers run around causing havoc and just being annoying.
- Calicodreamin
- Jan 30, 2021
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Definitely worth a watch, but the writers made the main character so incredibly insufferable it's almost hard to watch. She's rude and overly-aggressive and so thick-headed it almost made me stop watching the show all together. The way she insults anyone who disagrees with her or won't give her what she wants is almost comical, no one ever puts her in her place and it's infuriating. Hopefully, a season 2 will have some better writing for character development.
- aerich-75358
- Jan 31, 2021
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A series with mostly average acting, terrible writing, laughable development and just some nice VFX and heart-warming teenish score!
It's so unbelievably bad and shallow that green-lighting a second season of that nonsense is just laughable, while brilliant series get cancelled after the first one.
Be sure that the same acrobatic circus and total nonsense will repeat in season 2.
It's so unbelievably bad and shallow that green-lighting a second season of that nonsense is just laughable, while brilliant series get cancelled after the first one.
Be sure that the same acrobatic circus and total nonsense will repeat in season 2.
The movie itself isn't bad but the acting needs improvement. I was annoyed the entire time because they made every single episode and seen revolve around Bloom. I found that to just be biased and undeserving because she literally thought that she was the shxt. I hated how self absorbed she was. There are other actors in the film, you can elaborate on their story as well. Bloom is worn out and just point blank annoying. For the next season shift focus please. I literally kept rolling my eyes everytime I heard her name or she spoke, annoyed I tell ya. She needs to be parked and understand that not everything is about her.
- geminisamii
- Sep 21, 2022
- Permalink
I was expecting this to be a bad adaptation, I ended up really liking it, was definitely not expecting it to be good but it actually is. It's very different form the original show and that can be seen in the trailers, the trailers were bad for my taste.
I recommend you giving it a try just like I did, maybe you'll enjoy it.
- supervicti-85552
- Jan 21, 2021
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I enjoy the show, the storyline is interesting. The only thing that really bothers me is the age of the characters? Like why are the characters 16-17 years old having sex in school, smoking and drinking? I know the show is fairies and fantasy but that part is just really unrealistic and disturbing.
Other than that i really enjoy the show. Its for people that love Charmed, The Magicians and the umbrella academy.
The main character is kind of explosive and all over the place given she's only 16 in the show, it makes sense but the over dramatics is sometimes unnecessary. Love how each character had their own distinct personality and the show keeps me wondering whats going to happen!
Other than that i really enjoy the show. Its for people that love Charmed, The Magicians and the umbrella academy.
The main character is kind of explosive and all over the place given she's only 16 in the show, it makes sense but the over dramatics is sometimes unnecessary. Love how each character had their own distinct personality and the show keeps me wondering whats going to happen!
- hwalker274
- Sep 25, 2022
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- melissaborodin
- Jan 21, 2021
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Being honest, I expected more of the show honestly, but that doesn't make the show bad, quite the contrary, I really enjoyed it. It resembles very much, the vampire diaries but unfortunately not winx. I loved the cast and their chemistry but I didn't like the fact they cut Tecna and Flora out. I think the show should have at least nine episodes not six 'cause I found the story a little messy but not in a bad way. You should watch it with an open mind because the show has the potencial to be better and improve in a possible second season. Yes, I missed the song and the shiny things but at the final episode we have what we wanted most (you know what). Remember the show can improve and get better. I really waited for so long to watch a live-action winx show and if gets cancelled I would be so disappointed.
- anabeatrizgsalla
- Jan 21, 2021
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With seeing all the previous reviews with the trailer I thought this show would have been bad. What people rlly need to see is that this show is not winx it is solely based on the original show. The storyline of this show is amazing and by the last episode it leaves you wanting to know what happens next. I agree that they should'nt have cut out flora and Tecna out of the show and casted better with some of the main characters. But it makes up for it when u watch the show and the girls have great chemistry. I was also mad that Stella didn't have Brandon. Besides all that the show has GREAT potential to be amazing and I think people should give it a chance. You never know they may add in flora and Tecna in the later seasons. I rlly hope this show doesn't get cancelled because by the last episode everything just got real interesting.
- jessicashapiro123
- Jan 21, 2021
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It's based on a concept but it's a separate show. It certainly is more grown up and "edgy". The writing at times is cringey. Time passes too fast and the connection between the leads feels forced and not really genuine. The character's depths aren't really explored and Bloom's backstory is also weirdly set-up. After finishing the season you don't really have the feeling that anything that important happened. The plot is rather bland and rushed over.
I still think that the show can stand well on its own and I'm looking forward to see more of how they explore this potential in future seasons.
- movieturtle2013
- Jan 21, 2021
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There's a very simple world concept, not dissimilar to harry potter, or sabrina with a few different rules. There's some angsty teens hot for each other. That's about it.
- yesyes-78154
- Jan 4, 2023
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- matthessam
- Jan 29, 2021
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- charlotore
- Jan 21, 2021
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Not a lot to be said about this show. Characters are blah and story is boring, really drags its heels. Very little chemistry between the cast and very little to keep you focused.
- stehartley
- Mar 8, 2021
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I've never seen the cartoon version so can't compare. The storyline and characters are interesting and different to most other shows and there's great potential here which I hope is seen in season 2. The main problems are Bloom and (to a slightly lesser extent), Sky. Bllom is a petulant, bratty teenager and Sky is meant to be a hero warrior but all he seems to do is moon over girls! I really hope they improve their attitude and characters next season.
- becknoonan
- Feb 26, 2021
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I'm not sure what people think they are going to be watching when clicking on play. I find this show entertaining,the story, the cast and effects are all engaging. Yes its very CW but let's be real its based on a cartoon about fairies that came out years ago. I personally hope it gets a season 3. I didn't really watch the cartoon. I'm a bit old for that but I went into this knowing it was YA and involved fairies going to a school and learning magic. Keep your expectations, at the very least, realistic based on the source material and you may just find yourself enjoying it. I just finished Season 2 and found myself quite attached to some of the characters.
- wildcats-82401
- Sep 25, 2022
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A group of 25-30 year old actors play 16 year olds at a fairy school. The characters are broadly drawn, the smart one, the sarcastic one, the sexy evil one etc. Bloom, the lead has discovered irony and is basically a bossy biotch
that I never really cheered for. That all being said, I did like it. It was clever enough to keep me watching and the writing has its moments. For mindless entertainment it hits the mark and I'd watch Season 2.
- Dragonborn64
- Dec 17, 2021
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- bheynen-19746
- Feb 10, 2021
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I started watching this because I wanted to know what everyone was talking about and I don't regret it. Had it not gotten such a hype (just on my socials) then I wouldn't have given it a go. It's very easy to watch and you don't have to think much. I thought episode 6 really took it up a notch with adult themes and I liked that, made it feel less "high school" and more mature. I'm hooked in enough to watch season 2!
- lanaspicer
- Feb 3, 2021
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Pathetic acting. And none of the students look 16-17. I don't know their real ages, but they look like they are having mid life crisis. The most annoying character is probably the lead, Bloom. She is ungrateful to her friends and she just thinks about herself. She impulsively takes stupid decisions and puts everyone in danger. Her friends are dumb enough to not know how selfish she is being. If I was her roommate, I'd have smacked the narcissism out of her. On one side, we had Harry Potter who also wanted to get to know his parents but he wasn't a dumb, stuck-up Dolt like Bloom.
- rroosenburg-10674
- Jan 21, 2021
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I did enjoy this show. The second season did get a little too campy/teen, but I think a lot of the reviewers are being a bit harsh on Bloom. I definitely have to say that whoever did the costumes/styling for EVERYONE except the Specialists uniforms, should be FIRED! Half of the outfits didn't even look like they fit the actors... pants too big, pants too long, shirts too tight or not tight enough... just about everything in Stella's wardrobe was TRASH and very out of character for a royal -- especially one that mocked Terra's outfits. And don't even get me started on Aisha's wardrobe... Ok, I feel better now that I got that off my chest.
In short, it was an entertaining show if you don't take it too seriously.
In short, it was an entertaining show if you don't take it too seriously.
- mccrystalkat
- Oct 23, 2022
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Watched this with my wife over the past week or so, and it's not too horrible, but there are definitely plot holes and biases. Pretty obvious they made this with a young female demographic in mind. All kinds of diversity on the female casting side, yet the guys are a pretty homogenous set of pretty boys that like to pretend to be strong.
They did their best to fuse a bunch of concepts together. For instance, magic is supposed to manifest around puberty, but they want the school to feel like college, so they compromised and they're all "16", but look 25. They wanted to fuse fantasy elements with modern world, so they have cell phones and military vehicles, but somehow no guns of any kind. M2 would seriously wreck house and I've got to think that'd take the spotlight away from their magical special effects.
Our lead tries to exercise some reasoning to accelerate the story past "naive protagonist stumbles through whatever" but she somehow gets satisfied with only one round of analysis without weighting long-standing bias. For instance, if you implicitly trust a mentor character, and that mentor character has decades of grudge against whatever, how do you not take any precautionary steps to respect that mentor?
No spoilers, but I took a star for the haphazard manner the season finale was handled. Pretty much gives them a mulligan on, well, everything in season one, which is extremely lazy writing.
They did their best to fuse a bunch of concepts together. For instance, magic is supposed to manifest around puberty, but they want the school to feel like college, so they compromised and they're all "16", but look 25. They wanted to fuse fantasy elements with modern world, so they have cell phones and military vehicles, but somehow no guns of any kind. M2 would seriously wreck house and I've got to think that'd take the spotlight away from their magical special effects.
Our lead tries to exercise some reasoning to accelerate the story past "naive protagonist stumbles through whatever" but she somehow gets satisfied with only one round of analysis without weighting long-standing bias. For instance, if you implicitly trust a mentor character, and that mentor character has decades of grudge against whatever, how do you not take any precautionary steps to respect that mentor?
No spoilers, but I took a star for the haphazard manner the season finale was handled. Pretty much gives them a mulligan on, well, everything in season one, which is extremely lazy writing.