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  • J. (or Joe) Anton made a lot of bondage videos in his day, not one of which has hit me as even vaguely interesting. The title betrays the emptiness of this exercise, just another repetitious depiction of the spectacle of busty models (trying to act) struggling against their bonds and wriggling their toes in various stages of undress.

    Andrea Neal and Stacy Burke are cast as news anchors on TV, with very poor editing and depiction of a broadcast, due to the zero budget for these videos. They are kidnapped by a portly thug named Steve and presented oh-so carefully tied up in bondage in a typically crummy, under-decorated apartment set used by Anton for his quickie shoots.

    The twist is that Stacy is the bad guy, in on the kidnapping with Steve in order to steal co-worker Andrea's promotion at the station, and utterly predictable is the bondage genre's traditional reversal, wherein Stacy turns the tables on Andrea leading to a stupid ending promising a white slavery fate for the bad girl.

    Busty Stacy goes full frontal nude for the fans, while Andrea's topless scenes suffice for her base. The hour-long video is padded with stupid filler involving the one and only Mary Jane Green trussed up face to face (and breasts to breasts) with some model named Sara, both wearing pantyhose and nothing else, on the same set used for Andrea & Stacy. A brief solo by the voluptuous Nina Neon completes the desultory package, with outtakes and trailers following.