2395 of 2712 found this severe
A girl sees a fully erect penis on her phone, and it is displayed next to a bottle for size comparison. Explicit male genitalia of a sexual nature, but no sight of female genitalia.
There is a surrealist locker room scene with 20 highschool minors naked with full frontal nudity shown quickly and the 20 naked highschool boys appear simultaneously. Highly exploitative and gratuitous male genital nudity of over 20 males is graphically shown. No female genital nudity at all is shown in this series; only non-genital female nudity is shown. (breasts and buttocks). Explicit porn-level male nudity shown, including erect penises, but there is no equally explicit female nudity.
Girls' breasts and buttocks are shown repeatedly throughout the series.
Male nudity of a sexual nature where a man with his fully erect penis hanging out is shown.
A brief slideshow of "dick pics". Lasts a minute or less.
A young boy watches a gay porn video and the videos slightly flash on the screen for a brief second. The dialogue is explicit, but not much can be seen.
PornHub is mentioned in some episodes.
In a lot of episodes, Jules' breasts can be seen not covered by anything.
Some sexual dialogue throughout.
Sexual content includes suggestions of inappropriately intimate relationships between family members, nudity, and simulated sex acts.
581 of 1378 found this moderate
A teen girl is kidnapped in a parking lot a rag (possibly containing chloroform) is placed over her mouth her wrists and ankles are zip tied and she is shoved in a concealed compartment of a truck bed.
There are some graphic references to rape and abuse.
Sexual violence is shown, particularly during the first season.
We see the violence on-screen and hear them referenced in dialogue as well.
There is violence in almost every single episode in the show so far.
Several characters are raped which may be a trigger for some.
Several wounds are show in the aftermath of violence.
The series contains a few shootings and stabbings with strong injury detail. While it's excessively bloody or gory, it's in your face when it happens and mostly used for impact.
There is a scene of strong violence, which features a significant focus on blood and injury detail. There is also a scene of domestic violence, and references to sexual violence and abuse.
Blood and gore is infrequent but when it happens there is lots of it.
1148 of 1282 found this severe
Constant, pervasive uses of "fuck", "shit", "bitch", "pussy", and "dick"
There is sexual discussion. Including nudes, porn, and sexual organs. This occurs at random times throughout the series but it's typically moderate.
The word "cunt" is used on a few occasions.
Weaker language like "asshole", "bastard", "hoe", "damn", "hell", and "ass" are said.
Profanity is very frequent. Virtually every single character on the show regularly uses harsh language in one form or another.
"Fuck," "shit," "dick," "cock," "twat," "whore," "slut," "bitch," and other profanities are used throughout the show.
Curses range from "fuck" and "shit" to crude language like "cunt."
The series contains very strong coarse language that at times is aggressive, sexualised and episodically frequent, including use of the words 'c**t' and 'f**k', as well as lower-level coarse language.
Constant strong language, mostly involving "fuck" and all permutations, but also involving "shit," "cunt," "cock," and just about every other obscene word imaginable.
Cursing is frequent: "f--k," "s--t," "p---y," "a--hole," "bulls--t," "bitch," "d--k," a song contains the "N" word.
1209 of 1295 found this severe
Incredibly frequent teen drinking, vaping & drug use (resulting depravity), such as marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy & other pills and heroin & other opiates. A girl is also seen injecting hormones early on in the series.
The main character, Rue, is a recovering drug addict.
Teenage drinking is very frequent. Parties are shown with characters doing shots. A main character gets pretty drunk off vodka
A woman is seen injecting heroin.
Some marijuana smoking at parties.
Some prescription pill use like oxycontin and Xanax
A main character is a drug dealer. He is often shown smoking it's not said if it's tobacco or weed
At a party characters cut up and snort meth. It's brief
A character snorts what's implied to be ketamine at a party.
Teens vape and juul throughout the show, with little consequences
818 of 1195 found this severe
The series look at teenage life and high school life. This is extremely hardcore, violent, and kind of stomach wrenching.
This series deals with heavy topics that could be upsetting and triggering to some viewers.
A character is forced to do fentanyl by a drug dealer. This results in her almost overdosing, and this is an extremely suspenseful and disturbing scene.
In the first episode, there are brief clips of Vincent Van Gough and Sylvia Plath committing suicide by a self inflicted gun shot wound and Plath sticking her head in a gas oven. These clips may be upsetting or triggering to viewers who have struggled with suicidal thoughts.
Nate almost beats a guy to death. Blood and sounds are shown.
A guy has sex with an underage trans woman. This scene is very graphic and disturbing, and it will trigger some people.
Well liked major and minor characters are unexpectedly killed. A lot of fights and brawls occur throughout the course of the series.
The series can be suspenseful and intense at times.
The show highlights many various hard-hitting topics, such as mental health and illness, PTSD, depression, dementia, dysfunctional families, murder, cancer, rape, sexual harassment, organized crime, domestic violence, discrimination, family estrangement, gambling addiction, infidelity, existential crisis, suicide, and drug and alcohol abuse.
The series contains frequent scenes of prescription drug misuse including a depiction of an overdose. The series also contains depictions of self-harm and verbal references to mental health including suicide and depression. Verbal references are made to domestic abuse including a visual depiction of bruising. Thematic content also includes a depiction of an abortion as well as verbal references to bullying.