Toni Collette credited as playing...
Joni Thrombey
- Benoit Blanc: Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to request that you all stay until the investigation is completed.
- Linda Drysdale: What?
- Joni Thrombey: Can we ask why? Has something changed?
- Benoit Blanc: No...
- Joni Thrombey: No, it hasn't changed, or no, we can't ask?
- Walt Thrombey: I don't know what any of that means.
- Richard Drysdale: It means your son is a little creep.
- Walt Thrombey: Oh, my son's a creep.
- Joni Thrombey: Guys. Walt, he was in the bathroom.
- Richard Drysdale: Joylessly masturbating to pictures of dead deer.
- Walt Thrombey: You know what Richard, you want to go?
- Richard Drysdale: You bet Skippy, let's go!
- Ransom Drysdale: I've got to do this more often.
- Walt Thrombey: Jacob was in that bathroom the night of the party.
- Joni Thrombey: Oh, so that's where you were all night.
- Richard Drysdale: What the hell were you doing in the bathroom all night?
- Jacob Thrombey: Nothing.
- Meg Thrombey: Swatting Syrian refugees.
- Jacob Thrombey: I was not.
- Meg Thrombey: Alt-right troll.
- Jacob Thrombey: Liberal snowflake.
- Joni Thrombey: Wait, I read a tweet about a New Yorker article about you. "The Last of the Gentleman Sleuths". You solved that case with the tennis champ! You're famous!
- Joni Thrombey: You don't like him cause you love him.
- Richard Drysdale: No, I don't like him, he's an asshole but maybe an asshole is what we needed.
- Joni Thrombey: Oh, God, yeah, and an asshole is what Germany needed in nineteen thirty whatever.
- Joni Thrombey: They're putting kids in cages!
- Richard Drysdale: I'm not saying that's not terrible, but the parents share some of that blame.
- Joni Thrombey: Why? For wanting a better future for their kids? Isn't that what America's...
- Richard Drysdale: [banging his fork against his plate as he speaks] For *breaking* *the* *law*!