Ham turns to his family for help in writing a speech for his Public Speaking Elective and is pitched three competing stories from Judy, Beef and Honeybee inspired by Top Gun, Good Will Hunting and The Matrix.
Beef has a one-night stand with Greta Meatweep, who exposes their sexual escapades in the poem column of the newspaper; Moon and Jerry are challenged to a costume battle over the Lone Moose party turf by the local clown duo.
Moon goes off the grid when his crush for the Lil' Preppers Practice Prom rejects him and meets the long-lost Aunt Dirt Tobin, who learns about modern life while he copes with romantic rejection.
Honeybee wins interim Lone Moose mayor over Wolf, who oversteps during her one-day term even though he's upset; the rest of the Tobins capitalize on their new family member's political power.
Cheesecake gets evicted from his trailer and finds a dangerous job on a crabbing boat, so Wolf and Honeybee try to get him a local job and teach him interview skills; Beef attempts to bring business to Carissa's failing coffee hut.
Beef decides to fight a new bear from Fat Bear Week when someone else is potentially dating Carissa; Ham takes Aunt Dirt to the gay bars in town, which makes her uncomfortable.
Judy and Ham realize the school doesn't think they party, so they set out with Aunt Dirt, Kima, Moon and Crispin to find and party with Doug Delfino, a recently emancipated student.
Judy and Kima accidentally get high during a school field trip and are sent on a treasure hunt by a talking tub of cottage cheese; Wolf's signature sandwich is removed from the menu at Lydia's sandwich shop.
A blizzard snows the Tobins in their household and even though Beef tries to avoid cabin fever, everyone gets at each other's throats after a box of special candy is found half-eaten.
The Tobin kids push Beef to see a doctor out of concern for his health; Honeybee, Judy and Aunt Dirt are driven by a grave marked "Wife" to research the corpse's life.
Judy investigates a mysterious cloaked figure buying all her art; the Tobin men grow a giant cabbage; Honeybee and Jerry compete to see who can keep on their foam fingers the longest.