User Reviews (3)

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  • I tried numerous places to see the movie you have to live in Canada. But the clips are interesting.
  • LondonCruz-AL9 February 2023
    Warning: Spoilers

    LoVeTheINTrigUe.... JobWeLLdONe

    The AcTiNg chOpS sprUNg subVersiVe, FrANk wAsN'T seeN coMiNg uNTiL he sprANg fORTh oN whoM he ThoUght wAs hiS oppONenTs. He hUMAnized the thresholds of grief. Everyone doesN'T jUsT piCK bAcK 🆙 aNd eleCTriC slide witH qUoTe oN qUoTe "WhAT's coNsidereD2be norMAl." Grief chANgeS The AnA2MY of ThougHT iN more WAYs ThAN AckNOWLedgeD. NO1 WANTs the dAMpeN cLOTh of i'M nO loNger iN cONTrOl aNd I doN'T kNOW hoW2prOceed fUrTheR. AlSo The PrieST asKiNg for redemption letting it be knOWN, I'M huMAN, I haVe to ask for forgiveness as well, I hAVe sTRUggleS as Well. All of The MeN carrieD different TiTles; hoWeVer no1 is eXeMpT frOM hUMAN. The fleSh iS hell oN wheeLs, jUsT As The iNterNeT oN Thrill😘
  • This was a great movie. I watched it for free on tubi. Brian white was so funny. Him and columbus really do look alike. The movie had serverla twists and turns. It was suprising to see brian cruse so much. The only thing i would change is amount times he used the same word. I could started a drinking game but i would been drunk and passed out before the movie ended. The overall the plot of movie was unpredictable. I could see why people would enjoy this movie. I would watch the movie again. I didn't expect the ending to be so complete. I needed more from the other actors. You won't regret checking out this film.