• Moderate
  • Some men pin another man against a wall, as one punches him (we see blood on his forehead).
  • A man holds another man on gunpoint, punches him in the face once, and finally knocks him out with the butt of a shotgun.
  • A man finds his son dead in the woods (we see his motionless body).
  • A man forcefully pushes his son, and slaps his wife in the face.
  • A man gets punched in the stomach, and another man cuts off three fingers from him (we see the bloody stump).
  • A woman is shown with a bruised eye
  • A woman accidentally shoots a man in the face (blood splatters on the wall, and we see a bloody hole).
  • A woman shoots a man in the shoulder (we see a bloody spot).
  • A woman shoots a man dead (we see bloody holes), and another woman shoots the woman dead.
  • Two men hold down a man's hand, and another chops off his fingers with an axe. Very graphic.
  • A man is held down while his fingers are chopped off by an axe