1352 of 1550 found this to have none
A lesbian kiss scene.
Brief parts of the movie are about Stephen and Christine's failed relationship.
835 of 1670 found this severe
A monster's eye socket is hit by a pole, blood sprays out. The eyeball is then ripped out as a bloody chunk of meat, blood sprays everywhere. The monster then falls off a building, spraying blood.
A character gets hit by magical powers.
Someone gets their face ripped in half, brief and not graphic.
A woman gets crushed by a pillar; only a part of her hand is shown.
Two characters have a fistfight. It is not very bloody and neither character is severely harmed.
Several people are shown burning to death.
A man gets thrown out of a window, crashing the glass upon impact, falling off a big cliff while he keeps screaming, and ultimately landing on the spikes of a fence, thus getting graphically impaled. A small amount of black blood is seen around the injury. Probably the most shocking and disturbing scene in terms of graphic violence.
Probably the most graphic Marvel film to date
PG-13 violence type: blood, brutal and graphic.
860 of 1104 found this mild
A few uses of "shit", "ass", "bitch" and "damn".
'*ss' is said at least once.
'B*tch' is said at least once.
'D*mn' is said atleast once.
Hell is said 6 times.
God's name is misused 3 times.
4 uses of s**t, 2 uses of a*s, 1 use of b**ch, 1 use of godd-mn.
898 of 1073 found this to have none
A few alcoholic drinks at a wedding. No one gets drunk.
745 of 1424 found this severe
Many very creepy scenes involving a witch and sorcerers.
A few jumpscares.
Perhaps the darkest and scariest MCU film to date with fantasy and magic based horror elements.