Rebecca Ferguson credited as playing...
Ilsa Faust
- Ilsa Faust: It's my first time in Venice.
- Ethan Hunt: It's mine too.
- [Ilsa snuggles up to him, then the scene cuts to them holding hands on a night-time gondola cruise]
- Ethan Hunt: We can't be sure anything is real outside of this very conversation. None of you should be here.
- Ilsa Faust: Ethan..
- Ethan Hunt: No. You don't know Gabriel. I do. It's not the killing he enjoys. It's the suffering it causes. And he knows the best way to get to me is trought all of you. And if Gabriel knows me...
- Luther Stickell: The Entity knows.
- Ethan Hunt: There's a reason he wants me here. There's... There's a reason he wants you here. It wants you here.
- Benji Dunn: Who or what is the most important thing to you?
- Ethan Hunt: No. You have to go. You all have to go.
- Benji Dunn: Ethan, what if it wants us to leave?
- Luther Stickell: Like you made us leave the airport.
- Ilsa Faust: And what if it wants you alone at the party tonight?
- Ethan Hunt: Then I go alone. At least I don't have all of you to worry about.
- Ilsa Faust: This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you.
- Luther Stickell: Ethan, you're playing four-dimensional chess with an algoritm.
- Benji Dunn: The Entity knows who we are. Any move we make, it's probably considered it. Anything we do, we have to assume that it's counting on us to do it.
- Luther Stickell: If you want to beat this thing, you have to start thinking like it. Cold, logical, unemotional.
- Ilsa Faust: If that key really does grant control of the Entity, Gabriel is the last person on Earth who should have it.
- Luther Stickell: She's right, Ethan. Gabriel cannot have that key. And none of our lives can matter more than this mission.
- Ethan Hunt: I don't accept that.
- Eugene Kittridge: [Ethan throws a gas grenade making everyone sleep except Kittridge who has a gas mask, Ethan takes off his mask and sits in front of Kittridge] I understand. You're upset.
- Ethan Hunt: I'm not upset, Kittridge. You wanted me to listen. This is me listening.
- Eugene Kittridge: All right. I put the bounty on Ilsa's head. I also told you how to find her! And i didn't ask her to steal the key. She did that for reasons her own. But that's the pattern, isn't it? You get her out of trouble and she always found her way back in.
- Ethan Hunt: [a flashback is shown where Ethan looks at Ilsa's unconscious corpse, however, she wakes up and begins to attack him] Wait! Ilsa. Ilsa, wait! wait! wait! It's me.
- [Ethan caresses Ilsa's neck and notices that the key hangs on her neck]
- Ethan Hunt: It's okay.
- [Ethan hugs Ilsa, hands her the key, and Ilsa puts on a bandana and gets on a horse. Ethan starts shooting to buy Ilsa time]
- Ethan Hunt: Listen to me! You're dead! You stay dead!
- Ilsa Faust: Ethan, wait!
- [Ethan starts shooting to Ilsa's horse]
- Eugene Kittridge: [Back in present Ethan continues to sit across from Kittridge] I'm not going to apologize to you, Hunt. It's my job to use you. Just like it's your job to be use. Did you accomplish your mission or not?
- Ethan Hunt: Wherever the other half of this is, whatever the completed key unlocks, I will find it.
- Ethan Hunt: And then what?
- Ethan Hunt: No one should be trusted with the control of the Entity. I mean to kill it.
- Eugene Kittridge: Ethan, the next world war isn't gonna be a cold one. It's gonna be a shooting war, a ballistic war over a rapidly shrinking ecosystem. It's gonna be a war for the last of our dwindling energy, drinkable water, breathable air. Whoever controls the Entity controls the truth. The concepts of right and wrong can be clearly defined for everyone for centuries to come.
- Ethan Hunt: Do you even hear yourself?
- Eugene Kittridge: Your days of fighting for the so-called greater good are over. You need to pick a side.
- Ethan Hunt: I'm on the same side I've always been on. Stay out of way.
- Eugene Kittridge: We're gonna be coming after you. The world's gonna be coming after you. And one way or another this mission of yours is going to cost you... dearly.
- [the phone starts ringing]
- Eugene Kittridge: If I don't get that, we're gonna have company real soon.
- [Ethan nods for Kittridge to answer the phone]
- Eugene Kittridge: [Kittridge answers the phone] Hello?
- Adjutant: Director Denlinger, please.
- Eugene Kittridge: Director is unavailable at the moment, How can I help you?
- Adjutant: To whom am I speaking
- Eugene Kittridge: CIA director Eugene Kittridge.
- Adjutant: Designator?
- Eugene Kittridge: Base note, lowercase, all one word.
- Adjutant: Sir, we have a situation.
- Eugene Kittridge: Not kidding.
- Adjutant: Your adjutants was found unconscious in his home ten minutes ago. It appears he was drugged.
- Eugene Kittridge: I understand.
- Adjutant: I don't think you do, sir. Security has him entering this facility 15 minutes ago.
- Eugene Kittridge: I understand, thank you.
- Adjutant: Are you able to speak freely?
- Eugene Kittridge: No, thank you.
- Adjutant: A security team is on their way. If you're in any danger, simply hang up the phone before I count to five. One, two...
- Eugene Kittridge: [to Ethan Hunt, while deep inside the secure intelligence facility] How do you plan on getting out of here?
- [Looks over to see Ethan putting on a "Kitteridge" mask]
- Eugene Kittridge: Of course.
- [Ethan fires a tranquilizer dart at Kittridge]
- Benji Dunn: [taking a laptop] All right. We know Grace has one half of the key. We also know she's gonna be at the Ducale at midnight.
- [leaving the laptop in a table]
- Benji Dunn: And now we have a pretty good idea as to who will be waiting for her there. The event is being hosted by none other than our favorite international arms trafficker and black marketeer, Alana Mitsopolis.
- Ilsa Faust: The White Widow.
- Benji Dunn: Does she know who actually are does or she still think you're the notorius mass murder John Lark?
- Ethan Hunt: Who says I'm not?
- Luther Stickell: Didn't she put a price on your head in Paris?
- Ilsa Faust: She did indeed. She and Ethan, they worked out. You never tell me how.
- Ethan Hunt: Can we continue, please?