[last lines]
Eugene Kittridge : [voice-over] We cannot escape the past. Some of us are doomed to repeat it. Grace may believe you saved her from her fate, but you and I both know you merely bought her time. But that's the pattern, isn't it? A cross you've been left to bear. The closer someone gets to you, the harder it is to keep them alive.
Benji Dunn : [seeing Ethan parachute down] Thank God.
Eugene Kittridge : [voice-over, continued] A new day brings a new burden. The key is only the beginning. Wherever it leads, wherever it takes to get there, you'll have to do it on your own. Should you fail in your mission, the Entity wins. Gabriel wins. And the world will pay the ultimate price. Should any members of your team be caught or killed, their sacrifice will have been in vain. So hurry. There isn't much time. The world doesn't know it, but they're counting on you. Good luck, Ethan.
Ethan Hunt : [As he rides a motorcycle higher up the mountain] When do I start going downhill?
Benji Dunn : [Knowing that "the jump" is coming] Won't be long.
Ethan Hunt : Benji, I think, I... I must 've made a wrong turn somewhere
Benji Dunn : No. No, that's it. That's it.
Ethan Hunt : What? How can this be it?
Benji Dunn : You can see the train right?
Ethan Hunt : [Ethan hears the train whistle] Yes. I can see the train. What about it?
Benji Dunn : And you have a parachute.
Ethan Hunt : Got a parachute? What do you expect me to do?
Benji Dunn : Well just, you know... Jump
Ethan Hunt : Just jump?
Benji Dunn : Yeah!
Ethan Hunt : Benji, it doesn't work like that. I'm not that high. There's ledges sticking out everywhere. I'm gonna hit them before the parachute even opens! Even if I could get the parachute open, I don't know if I can make it across the valley and intercep and land safely on a moving train! Do you copy?
Benji Dunn : Yes! I copy! Look, I am just trying to help you, okay? I need you to take a step back and pull yourself together! Because I am under a lot of pressure right now!
Ethan Hunt : Ok, just think, just think. What do I do? I've to get away from this mountain.
[Ethan spots a ramp-like rock and, in a moment of quick decision, accelerates his motorcycle to top speed, evoking memories of Marie and Ilsa that drive him forward. The scene becomes intense as Ethan charges forward, facing risk and uncertainty as he attempts to board the train and stop the threat. Memories of his loved ones motivate him to take action]
Benji Dunn : Did you make it? Are you ok?
Ethan Hunt : [Ethan breathing hard] I'm trying to get away from this mountain.
[Ethan opens the parachute]
Benji Dunn : A self-aware, self-learning, truth-eating digital parasite infesting all cyberspace. Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
Luther Stickell : And the two halves of this key just might provide the means of controlling this Entity.
Benji Dunn : Meaning every government on the planet would kill us just to get that key.
Luther Stickell : Including our own.
Ethan Hunt : Exactly.
Benji Dunn : Putting us on an unsanctioned mission which has gone rogue before it even started.
Luther Stickell : Meaning this very conversation is technically an act of treason.
Benji Dunn : Or as we like to call it, Monday.
Luther Stickell : So what's the play?
Ethan Hunt : A buyer's coming in on flight 746 from Amsterdam for a 30-minutes layover, at which time he is hoping to purchase that half of the key.
Benji Dunn : [Ethan gives Benji the key] And it stands to reason the buyer will have the other half of the key somewhere on their person.
Luther Stickell : Being the only way to authenticate our half.
Benji Dunn : So how do we identify the buyer.
Ethan Hunt : [Ethan takes out an ashtray-shaped Geiger counter] This Geiger counter will detect a radiological signature of the dragon's egg embed in the buyer's key.
[Ethan takes out an sunglasses]
Ethan Hunt : The augmented-reality overlay in these glasses will lead us to it.
Benji Dunn : [Benji puts the sunglasses] Oh, that's very clever.
[Benji takes out the sunglasses]
Benji Dunn : So, you ID the buyer, pick his pockets, Bob's your uncle.
Ethan Hunt : No.
Benji Dunn : No. Of course not.
Ethan Hunt : The complete key is of no value if we don't know what it unlocks.
Luther Stickell : So you're going to sell the buyer our half of the key.
Benji Dunn : While we figure out the buyer's connecting flight and book you seat on that plane.
Luther Stickell : [Benji gives Luher the key] So you can follow the key wherever it goes.
Benji Dunn : Which you hope is into the hands of someone who know what it unlocks.
Ethan Hunt : Precisely. Finding the completed key is only the beginning
Ethan Hunt : We can't be sure anything is real outside of this very conversation. None of you should be here.
Ilsa Faust : Ethan..
Ethan Hunt : No. You don't know Gabriel. I do. It's not the killing he enjoys. It's the suffering it causes. And he knows the best way to get to me is trought all of you. And if Gabriel knows me...
Luther Stickell : The Entity knows.
Ethan Hunt : There's a reason he wants me here. There's... There's a reason he wants you here. It wants you here.
Benji Dunn : Who or what is the most important thing to you?
Ethan Hunt : No. You have to go. You all have to go.
Benji Dunn : Ethan, what if it wants us to leave?
Luther Stickell : Like you made us leave the airport.
Ilsa Faust : And what if it wants you alone at the party tonight?
Ethan Hunt : Then I go alone. At least I don't have all of you to worry about.
Ilsa Faust : This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you.
Luther Stickell : Ethan, you're playing four-dimensional chess with an algoritm.
Benji Dunn : The Entity knows who we are. Any move we make, it's probably considered it. Anything we do, we have to assume that it's counting on us to do it.
Luther Stickell : If you want to beat this thing, you have to start thinking like it. Cold, logical, unemotional.
Ilsa Faust : If that key really does grant control of the Entity, Gabriel is the last person on Earth who should have it.
Luther Stickell : She's right, Ethan. Gabriel cannot have that key. And none of our lives can matter more than this mission.
Ethan Hunt : I don't accept that.
Luther Stickell : Without a team, your life won't be measured in years, or even months...
Benji Dunn : It'll be measured in hours.
Ethan Hunt : No, it can'be.
Benji Dunn : What is it?
Ethan Hunt : Luther, Benji. Abort. Get out.
Luther Stickell : Where do we rendezvous
Ethan Hunt : We don't! This mission is terminated. Get out now.
Benji Dunn : [taking a laptop] All right. We know Grace has one half of the key. We also know she's gonna be at the Ducale at midnight.
[leaving the laptop in a table]
Benji Dunn : And now we have a pretty good idea as to who will be waiting for her there. The event is being hosted by none other than our favorite international arms trafficker and black marketeer, Alana Mitsopolis.
Ilsa Faust : The White Widow.
Benji Dunn : Does she know who actually are does or she still think you're the notorius mass murder John Lark?
Ethan Hunt : Who says I'm not?
Luther Stickell : Didn't she put a price on your head in Paris?
Ilsa Faust : She did indeed. She and Ethan, they worked out. You never tell me how.
Ethan Hunt : Can we continue, please?
Ethan Hunt : [riding in a motorcycle] Talk to me, Benji!
Benji Dunn : No need to worry, Ethan.
[looking at the train]
Benji Dunn : The train on scheudle and you're a few minutes early, so we have plenty of time.
Ethan Hunt : Are you sure?
Benji Dunn : Yeah, I am looking at the train right now. It should be slowing down for the curve in exactly two minutes.
Ethan Hunt : Just keep me on the track, whatever it takes.
Benji Dunn : Will do. I'll see you at the rendezvous.
Luther Stickell : You saw him, didn't you?
Ethan Hunt : I wasn't sure.
Benji Dunn : Well, who is he?
[a flashback is shown where Gabriel kills Marie in front of Ethan's eyes]
Ethan Hunt : Someone I trough... died a long time ago. In another life. Before the IMF. Before I was offered the Choice. And in a very real sense, he made me who I am today.