- Roger Ebert [Brian Tallerico]
- ReelViews [James Berardinelli]
- 150Film [Emre Cogulu]
- Turkish
- 2 Film Critics [William Graebner, Dianne Bennett]
- 3 Brothers Film [Aren Bergstrom]
- A Celebration of Cinema [Oene Kummer]
- A Sliver of Film [Chris Greenwood]
- ABC Entertainment [Ashvi]
- Abgeschminkt [Uwe Kraus]
- German
- Acción Cine [Jesús Usero]
- Spanish
- Acción Cine [Miguel Juan Payán]
- Spanish
- Aisle Seat [Mike McGranaghan]
- Alamo City Movie Talk [Ryan D, Lex]
- ALD Movieland
- All Ages of Geek [Mufsin Mahbub]
- Aloha Criticón [Antonio Méndez]
- Spanish
- Always Good Movies [Filipe Freitas]
- Amazing Cinema [Daniele Buzzurro]
- Amazing Cinema [Paolo Cioffi]
- Italian
- Any Good Films? [Simon Hooper]
- Artechock [Axel Timo Purr, Rüdiger Suchsland]
- German
- Asbury Movies [Marco Minniti]
- Italian
- Ashley & Company [Ashley Saunders]
- Austin Chronicle [Trace Sauveur]
- Awards Watch [Ryan McQuade]
- Awesome Friday! Podcast [Matthew Simpson, Simon Best]
- Barton Reviews [Josh Barton]
- Battle Royale with Cheese [Joe Muldoon]
- Ben Meyers International Movie Critics
- Benzine [Ordell Robbie]
- French
- Beyond the Cinerama Dome [Tina Kakadelis]
- Big Fanboy [Mark Walters]
- Bina007 [Sabina Reeves]
- Blazing Minds [Karen Woodham]
- Blood Brothers [Matt Malpica Reifschneider]
- Blu-ray [Brian Orndorf]
- Blu-ray Rezensionen - 4K UHD [Timo Wolters]
- German
- Bobby Talks Cinema [Bobby Sing]
- Bohica [Doug Fisher]
- Bollywood Frenzy [Razeen Gutta]
- Bollywood Hungama
- Brief Take [Daniel Reynolds]
- Buffed Film Buffs [August Hammel]
- Bulletproof Action [Ryan Campbell]
- Bullz-Eye [Rob Dean]
- But Why Tho? A Geek Community [Kate Sánchez]
- Caillou Pettis [Caillou Pettis]
- Cambridge Day [Tom Meek]
- Caramie's Zone [Anna Li]
- French
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