Reviews (5)

  • My kids have been tracking this movie for weeks and I had promised to bring them all (3 daughters all under 12.)

    Yes, this is the same story told again (Homeward Bound and it's various sequels), however it's a little different. The animals are animals, and they don't talk, however the main dog (Bella) does tell the story from her point of view.

    There are some areas where they replaced animals with CGI and some of it looks really good, but really fake, but 1- my kids didn't notice all that much, and 2- it's a movie... Let's just turn off our minds for about 2 hours and just watch a wholesome family movie.

    There were a number of crying kids, and even some of the adults walked out with some tears, so be prepared.

    Overall it's a really cute, adventurous, and fun movie! Perfect no, but it's still great!
  • I just happened to remember that this existed and was like, I have nothing better to do for a few hours, so I'll catch this.

    I generally find the good in really bad movies... Until now.

    I have no idea what is going on in this movie. Though this is broken up episodically (like the previous Creepshows), it seems like this is one massive nightmare that I can't wake up from and won't end.

    The actors are the same from sequence to sequence... Seems like they got paid by the day and tried to film everything in just a few days.

    Trust me... Pass this one by.
  • I'm not going to rehash what everyone said here, however I'm a very seasoned horror movie fanatic and I found myself immersed in Hostel III for a bit.

    More on that in a second...

    I'm a big fan of the first two and was really looking forward to this one. When I learned that it was straight-to-DVD, I lowered my expectations quite a bit. In fact, I probably lowered them too much since I feel that Hostel III beat my expectations in some areas.

    Granted a bunch of things that we have accepted as gospel in the Hostel world are now completely different and turned on their side. Gone are the killers which had personality; these killers are emotionless robots. They don't talk and some of them even wear masks. Plus, the kills are boring and uneventful.

    Probably the only thing that I can appreciate about the movie was the number of twists and turns. We've come to accept a number of cliché's such as when a killer is chasing you, you fall, etc. I don't believe I saw any in this movie... There were several times that I expected "A" to happen and "B" happened. This kept me a little on my toes and kept my interest.

    As noted, most of the CGI effects were really bad. (The simulated fire was the worst that I had ever seen...) The ending is predictable, however I'm not going to spoil it.

    Overall, it was a good watch and a good $15.00 purchase. (Just 3 dollars more than a theater ticket.) Will I watch it again, perhaps, but likely not again after that...
  • One word to explain what I watched last night... Amazing!

    However, don't take that as a positive amazing. I have been following this title since I first heard about it filming in the 2003 time frame, and what I saw last night was so underwhelming. I was a fanatic going to Best Buy each week waiting for them to get this in stock (the store by me just got it in yesterday) and I picked it up last night.

    About 15-20 minutes in, I figured out exactly what was going to happen and to whom and then actually fell asleep a number of times. (I flipped back the chapters that I missed, however it was a waste of time.)

    I am a massive fan of the first one and continually watch it, even to this day. I do watch the "Simpson" 2nd and 3rd, which I feel were better movies (production wise) than this thing. Come on, the cuts between the scenes are timed so wrong, it looks like an amateur cut this movie. Also, some of these scenes look better than others as far as quality goes.

    Yes, there are homage scenes to the original, which are appreciated, however some are underdeveloped... And what's going on with the killer's black garb? We saw that in Scream already... Been there, done that...

    I'm disappointed at Robert and the gang for giving us this. I would have footed some cash up into the budget and became one of the Exec. Producers on this if I knew this was going to turn out this bad. (I had the option at one point when they were looking for financing.)

    I know Felissa personally (we grew up in neighboring towns on Long Island), and though she kept telling me to wait for this, I listened and waited... However, after which I feel that it's just a big waste of time.

    Sorry gang, however if you are looking at a decent follow-up, skip this.
  • Yes, this movie is _very_ low budget, and probably was filmed with a regular video camera, the movie was great. Very bloody and senseless killing was the plot, but the characters with no personality made you laugh when you saw them act. Seems like someone wanted to make a movie and used their friends and relatives.

    I was the manager of a video store at the time when a traveling distributor asked to me buy this movie. He described the plot and since I have had so many different tapes accidentally switched when they dropped them off, I thought it would be a great reality check. I bought it for the store, it rented maybe 10 times, and then I pulled it and kept it for myself. Truly a cult classic. Could it happen in your store?? Keep an eye on that nightdrop!!