
IMDb member since February 2000
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    24 years



No.1 Acadamy Awards Candidate!
It's a shame, that "Marlene" is not scheduled to be shown in the U.S.! Though it's almost impossible to capture the life of Marlene Dietrich director Joseph Vilsmaier ("Comedian Harmonists") did a great job. The actors (Katja Flint as Marlene, H.W.Meyer as Josef von Sternberg ...) are brilliant! Hopefully this movie will be shown in the United States, because it's absolutely worth watching ... and moreover it is for sure a no.1 candidate for the next academy awards!


Promising Start!
"Anatomie" truly is a very promising start for the new founded german branch of the well known production company Columbia Tri-Star. It goes without saying that - of course - this movie does not claim to compete with international block busters like "Scream". Shooting star Frank Potente ("Run Lola Run", "Blow") and german newcomer Benno Führmann are brilliant, and it's getting even more interesting when you know the filming location Heidelberg. I really enjoyed watching this movie and everyone in Germany hopes, that this is only the beginning of a new era of the german cinema. We're looking forward to watching more interesting stuff like this. See it!

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