Epic Lessons From the Batman. Eight years after the events of "The Dark Knight", Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale, aka Batman) must once again come to Gotham City's aid as a crazed masked terrorist known as Bane (Tom Hardy) terrorizes anyone and everyone in his demented path. A seductive cat burglar (Anne Hathaway) is also along for the maddening ride as biblical-styled destruction, atomic warfare, and even stock market tampering turn out to the most devastating orders for the day. Long, winding, and ultimately towering installment in co-writer/director Christopher Nolan's new-age "Batman" trilogy is a triumph of vivid characterizations, advanced-styled story-telling principles, and wonderful technicalities such as cinematography, editing, sound, and visual effects. Joseph Gordon-Levitt shines as a good cop caught up in the chaos; the same can be said for new love interest Marion Cotillard who makes an impression as an associate to Bale's Wayne Industries. Traditional standouts Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, and Morgan Freeman also add well-timed and effective roles for the production's nearly three-hour running time. Once again, a great accomplishment of style, flair, and dynamics in a tightly-wound cinematic product which blends and meshes in well with its two predecessors of the dominant trilogy. 5 stars out of 5.