
IMDb member since April 2019
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Insert zodiac killer meme here
Personally, I was pretty excited to see Mark Ruffalo and RDJ in a movie that predates the 2012 avengers movie, particularly Mark Ruffalo who was not involved in the Incredible Hulk movie. Getting back to the Zodiac, I was initially surprised by the runtime. With a runtime of over 2 and a half hours, I was interested to see how they kept the audience's attention.

In terms of the music, I always enjoy a movie where the music has lyrics that fit into the story and add to the overall theme. Starting out the opening with the song, "Easy to be Hard" was an interesting choice. I felt as though the first line "how can people be so heartless" was a strong start for this movie. The songs chosen added another layer to the movie and made me feel as though I was learning more about the characters that I would not necessarily get through standard dialogue.

All in all, I thought the movie was well done.


The first act was great, everything else was a little meh
I thought the opening scene with the still shots of the house and the people was haunting and set the pace for the rest of the movie. The movie's beginning was awesome. Then it slowed down in the middle, right past the 30 minute mark which was disappointing. I found myself losing interest in it, but I really wanted to see how it ended, though I wasn't quite bored enough to just google the ending. The slow motion shot with the car flipping was possibly the best scene in the movie. However, after this point it felt as though Jane was walking slowly in every family secret scene and it was 10 to 20 seconds of nothing happening every time, which was boring to me. In addition, I thought the way the past was revealed to Jane was quite robotic as well. The last 20 minutes, while predictable, were well executed.


Is this how Cinema Sins feels?

My first impressions of this movie include suddenly remembering the gross scene from alien where like the alien protrudes from the lady's stomach. The actors weren't told what was exactly going to happen and their reactions were genuine.

God I hope this movie isn't gross.

After watching this movie, I can safely say that it was not as gross as anticipated.

I thought the pacing itself was slow. Every scene took about a minute to actually get into the nitty gritty and some of the dialogue itself was pretty boring. I thought the shower scene was overrated, and pretty much this trope should die. Shower scenes almost always add nothing to the movie, and I thought this scene could be cut out all together. The writing on the shower door the word "mom" didnt really do anything for the movie in general and should have been left on the cutting room floor as there are more effective ways of portraying the ghost is her "daughter". And damn it there was not one but 2 shower scenes. Is this how cinemasins feels when they give sins for cliche scenes?

I thought the whole b plot with the sister was really confusing. It was hard to figure out what exactly she wanted from Adam and why the entity took her form and was intent on getting with adam as much as possible. Like isnt the entity Lisa's daughter? Why is she making out with her dad? The whole thing is the grossest part of the movie and all in all, unnecessary.

I was a fan of the props in the house I thought it encompassed the feel of an old but dignified house. I really liked the different reiterations of the picture over the fireplace and I thought this was the highlight of the movie. I also thought the Dr. Howard was a treasure. He definitely had the best line in the movie which was "Mrs. Pierce I believe you. Now I need you to believe in me".

All in all, 5 out of 10 spoops.

The Witch Files

I cant believe they took my joke
I was going to title my review "the blaire witch group project" but toward the end MJ has a line about the "blaire b*tch" so I am pretty disappointed to say the least.

The movie was engaging from start to finish. Usually I drum up some witty things to say in reviews like this but I was so into the movie that I forgot until the credits rolled. I really liked the plot of it and it wasnt bad for a found footage film. I thought it made sense for claire to be filming and I thought the camera angles were pretty good. I was pleasantly surprised by the beginning warning that this video would only be showed to jurors and I thought that was a neat touch. It is not a horror movie per say but all in all I give it 8 out of 10 spoops.

The Bye Bye Man

He who should not be named
My first impression of the movie premise was that it was going to be like the movie "the ring" I was really excited by the opening scene, where a man is hunting down people who say "the name".

Otherwise, besides moments of brilliant acting, I thought the movie was pretty average. It wasn't terrible or the best, it was average. Another review on IMDB said that they were reminded of a horror movie parody and I agree.


Paul Rudd's mustache gives me life
I thought that the acting in this movie by Paul Rudd, Justin Theroux and by Skarsgard was superb. In terms of world building, I thought that it was pretty realistic. There was a great mix of familiar structures, such as strip clubs, libraries and doctors offices, mixed with futuristic tech, such as the treadmill in Justin Theroux's characters office and and the flying cars.

However, the choice of lighting throughout the movie did not aid the borderline unreadable notes that Skarsgard's character writes throughout the movie. Besides the pacing being slow, this movie is a solid 6 out of 10.


Sivan Alyra Rose carried the show
Chambers reminds me of the old wives tale, people who get transplants can find themselves acting like the donor. I thought that the last couple episodes were poorly placed and unnecessary, as they just slowed down the plot. After the first couple episodes, I became disinterested in the show and that it would have fared better as a movie.

Worst Cooks in America

Dishwasher salmon-enough said
Overall, Worst Cooks in America leans more toward being mean than constructive the majority of the time.

Avengers: Endgame

Definitely worth not using the bathroom for 3 hours
This movie was a great way to end phase 3 (not including Spiderman Homecoming which is the official end). While I thought that the script teetered toward being self congratulatory at some parts, all in all it was a thrilling watch for Marvel fans and first time viewers alike. I really enjoyed how the brothers rounded out character arcs. While I knew that a lot of the phase 1 actor's contracts were up at the end of this movie, I still found myself watching the last battle while holding my breath.

I would also like to give a shout out to RDJ; I really enjoyed imagining him thinking to himself "finally retirement" as he completed his character arc and marvel finally let him die.


Great movie
Fracture had masterfully done story line. I'm honestly speechless. The movie was engaging all the way through and the actors gave superb performances.

The Silence

I'm mad the dog died, but that isn't the reason for the low rating
I thought there were a lot of inconsistencies in this movie, like how the monsters didnt attack everything that made a sound such as the airplane or the police sirens. It asks the question, what are the rules for this universe? There are more movies that did this theme better and are worth your time.

The Good Neighbor

4 out of 10 spoops
My first thought was the IRB would never approve this study. There isn't even a consent form.

Also, Harold looks like Bernie Sanders.

I thought the movie itself was alright. I felt as though the characters were limited to "annoying white boys" or "creepy old man". I thought that the recaps of the previous scenes were unnecessary. Like I just saw this why are we still talking about it. There was a lot of dead space throughout which made the movie drag.

The most intriguing part of the whole movie was the court scene that would give the viewer a more analytical perspective about what went down.

All in all, 4 out of 10 spoops.


8 out of 10 spoops
A couple of the most unbelievable things that happen in the movie:

1: Maddie leaves her door open in the house AND NO MOSQUITOS GET IN. 2: Maddie doesnt have the wifi password to her best friend's wifi. What kind of 21st century friendship is this?

I enjoyed how the action started during the first act though I do wish that there was a little more character building on the killers part. I was surprised to see that the motivation wasn't a crime of passion, considering how many times he stabbed Sarah.

However, I thought that the killer and Maddie were pretty evenly matched. The vast majority of my complaints were yelling about how a crossbow is a shitty weapon and what I would have done better (like definitely not leaving my knife and hammer behind and get him while he was reloading). I was pleasantly surprised to see the main character, while deaf, hold her own throughout the movie and not just become a "damsel in distress" if you will. I would like to hear other people's opinions on how well/bad the movie did in this aspect.

Buddy vs. Duff

This show did not live up to the hype
When I saw this show in the Food Network lineup, I was very excited. Buddy and Duff are two amazingly talented individuals and this show did not do them justice.

It was disappointing to see Buddy make the same type of cake week after week under the guise that it is "traditional" or "something he has done for years". When use of technology should be commended, it almost read as lazy to see Buddy use machines to do most of his work. This was especially shocking when compared to other Food Network shows which hold their contestants to a higher standard. This was highlighted during the finale when Duff was tempering chocolate and Buddy made a comment that he should put it into a machine and push a button.

It was great to see Duff really put the work into the detail to take his designs to the next level. I also appreciated the innovation of the sous chefs. What really stood out was Ralph's idea of the illusion box during episode 5.

The show was flawed from conception and is definitely the weakest Food Network show that aired this season.

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