
IMDb member since January 2001
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    23 years


Big Brother

Just give us the original Dutch version.
Did you know the Big Brother TV show is originally from The Netherlands? It started off in 1998 and now the 3rd season last december 2000. They also did a version with VIPS wich had the clears name: Big Brother VIP. Anyway did you know that the white line in the BB logo is the logo of the TV channel who orginally started of with Big Brother? I've seen the American version as well but I think it can't possibly get near the original version. Here in the Netherlands they are drunk every now & then, they have sex, they got a camera on the toilet and people are seduced to leave with money. But for some reason American TV stations are afraid of showing nudity while here they even showed the 2 people having sex on national TV. Well, Hummie van de Tonnenkreek (the woman who invented the whole game) did a good job.

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