
IMDb member since April 2006
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    18 years



Poorly made, unsupported claims.
Aside from the numerous dubious claims about alien bases on the far side of the moon, conspiracy theories about Marilyn Monroe/Kennedys, Area 51 etc., this documentary lacks focus. Rather than providing in-depth analysis of one topic, with substantial evidence and first-hand testimonies, this film is all over the place, jumping from one weird claim to the next. It starts with "aliens are real, but the government won't tell because it would cause panic" and ends with "the government will stage a alien invasion in order to cause panic." Huh? I'm willing to entertain the possibility of UFOs having visited the earth, but if that is the goal, make a documentary focused on that one issue, and provide carefully sourced evidence and eyewitness testimonies, not just guys with important sounding titles and strong beliefs.


Living conditions of three women near the Potosi mine in Bolivia.
This short addresses the violence and danger that are part of everyday life for women and girls who live near the Potosi mine in Bolivia. Women share how they try to protect themselves from domestic violence, sexual violence, and the violence of working in the mines. The film provides insight into the brutal working conditions as well as the harsh physical and social climate that females face in this community. In some ways, this film is reminiscent of The Devil's Miner, except that the format is different and the emphasis is on women. The subjects are represented in a respectful manner, and they are allowed to speak for themselves. The setting is not romanticized, nor is it graphic even though some of the issues discussed are quite disturbing. The film is a bit disjointed, much like the lives of the people portrayed. There are no overt social or political messages in the film, although viewers might be encouraged to learn more about what created such social and economic conditions.

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