
IMDb member since April 2006
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Reisen til julestjernen

"The journey to the Christmas Star" from 1976
This brilliant movie from Norway is based on the novel of the Norwegian writer Sverre Brandts, "Reisen til Julestjernen", translated to English: "The journey to the Christmas Star". "The handling" in this movie, is about a sweet, young girl named Princess Gulltopp, who just loved looking at the Christmas Star. I'm coming to that sooner in this text.

This movie begins with Harlekin (played by Rolf Just Nilsen) sings with his actor and actress friends on their way to the castle of the king and the queen. "Come and see our play" they sing while their riding on their horse wagon. And when their coming into the town, people begins to run to them. Harlekin is telling them a story, the very same story about "The journey to the Christmas star". That is when the real story begins.

And through the whole film, many funny things are happening! There are many little funny details also that makes you laugh more. For example when a cook is taking out the bread in the start when Harlekin have started to tell the story, he is taking out a "bread stick" out of the oven; while he sings he is grabbing where there is hot on that stick, and and he yells out "aoch!". Its funnier when you see it whit your eyes!

The music in this film is magnificent!! Johan Halvorsen who composed this film music died probably 100 years before this movie comes out, but the music is so lovely and makes you get the Cristmas feeling!

If I do a good job as a Producer/writer in my future, I'm going to make this movie completely over again. I just love this movie, and will do anything to let the whole world see how fantastic this story is! And of course, the beautiful music!

I love this movie!

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