
IMDb member since May 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years


Encontros Imperfeitos

The second Portuguese "commercial" movie
Following the footsteps of "O Lugar do Morto", this was the second Portuguese movie blatantly commercial. Please note that this is a good feature, for Portuguese movies since 70's used to be rather boring. As i heard on the director's presentation of the movie: "This film has all the ingredients the public want: good actors, a blonde beauty, a red sports car, airplanes, action and a good story". Wen i saw the movie i really agreed with the director. It had all the ingredients for a good ninety minutes of entertainment. I really did enjoy it back then. A note: the leading role actor is now considered one of the best male Portuguese actors to present date. I wish movies like these, small pearls for those who seek, were edited on DVD. Unfortunately Portuguese producers and labels are non consumer friendly.

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