
IMDb member since July 2019
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General Electric Theater: The Patsy
Episode 21, Season 8

Message was life changing
Like a previous reviewer I saw this GE episode when I was young, like 12 years old. I never forgot it. I've been a lifelong router for the underdog, the forgotten, the taken for granted. (Sammy Davis should have received an Emmy for his performance.)


Gunderman: Discovered & Defined
I'm not German but I do appreciate this movie very much. It is a sweet story of a gifted man and musician. The writer and director should be commended for interweaving a complicated love story, of a conflicted but quiet man within an historical period that helps define Germany today. Very moving, very tender accompanied by great soundtrack of Gunderman's instantly likable music.

María Magdalena

Maria and Jesus ALIVE
Although there is obvious artistic liberty with what we don't know about Maria Magdalena, the story is plausible. On the other hand when Jesus speaks and moves, he is completely believable and totally emotionally impactful. His words are biblically inerrant; his development as fully human enlightening. Bravo to the writer; bravo to the actors.

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