
IMDb member since August 2019
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 8 months



all visuals no story
I've seen vines with better stories, but the visuals are good I guess. Not a horror movie.

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

Stay home and watch Rouge one again.
Thats it, Rouge one rewatch for the 10th time is still better and more surprising than this thing.

Ad Astra

I couldn't watch the movie because of the bad dialouge
Jesus christ, i only finished this movie because i was trapped on a plane, but holy crap was the dialouge bad

Game of Thrones

don't watch it, it won't end well
Season 6-8 was like the homework you would do 10 minutes before the actual lesson

Game of Thrones: The Long Night
Episode 3, Season 8

Season 8 was like the homework you would do 10 minutes before the actual lesson
Season 8 was like the homework you would do 10 minutes before the actual lesson

Conquistadores Adventum

One of the best historical shows.
Very entertaining, and shows respectfully both sides of history.


Not anything like game of thrones or vikings, more of a soap opera
Cinematography: 6/10 The show has very simple bare bone cinematography; composition is at times jarring and as a result feels un-cinematic. Battles are simple, with only a few extras on-screen. Editing: 6/10 The editing is also very simple, nothing clever, although composites are okay, the cgi at times looks terrible. Sound design:6/10 Basic sound design you've heard a million times before, no Wilhelm scream so far. Writing:-5/10 The writing is slow paced, there are a lot of flash-backs for character development, and there are a lot of creative liberties taken with historical events in order to sympathize more with our hero "Hernan" since he is our main point of view to the story. The villains the "Mexicas" are dumbed down for plot purposes. I give it such a low score because of it's use of "black legend".

Final thoughts: The show is very Eurocentric, I would have loved to see more of the natives people of America like in CONQUISTADORES: ADVENTUM.

CONQUISTADORES: ADVENTUM is a more serious and entertaining show that does not romanticize one side, but rather explores the humanity in the people caught in that time period, without having to modify historical facts for plot's sake. Conquistadores is an immersive experience of the conquista meanwhile this show feels more like a slow power point presentation.

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