
IMDb member since May 2006
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    17 years


Human Trafficking

i watched this movie last night and feel compelled to give my opinion. having read and watched numerous documentaries on the subject of the human sex slave trade, i thought the movie was spot on, it was distressing in its content, but the truth usually is very confronting, but turning a blind eye to these things only makes it easier for these scummy criminals to keep doing what they're doing, they have absolutely no compassion or regard for human life at all. and the fact that even small children arouse not an ounce of feeling in these people just compounds the fact that they are beyond redemption in anyway shape or form, and they should be punished with the same lack of compassion they show to those poor kids..any person that finds something sexually arousing in a child, are just totally depraved and disgusting, and those that act upon it deserve NOTHING from society or the legal profession, and the traders that deliver people to them are just as bad, i don't care if they don't actually sexually abuse the people or children they steal, they knowingly deliver them to there captors in full knowledge of whats about to take place, i hope they all get they're just deserts, and i hope everyone watches movies like this to create more awareness,,

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