
IMDb member since September 2019
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 7 months



Please don't insult indigenous peoples this way.
I have seen corn pone throughout the history of television. This is more like a puke sandwich. Much harder to get down if you look at it. It would 'smell' fresher if the plot hadn't already been regurgitated a hundred times before. So basically. you have puke soup that didn't stay down the first time, so someone thought they could just repackage it. Can I get mine fried with a side of busted glass?


Please ... bite me.
Critics have said: "Bad Language" - Horrendously dull - No Downton Abbey - wasn't impressed so far - Not Ready for another go yet... - Wow, this is bad They all seem bigger snobs than the worthless 'gentry' who think they are better than others and entitled to luxury by some God given right. I found the story captivating and the acting excellent. Those haters out there can "sod off!" My only regret is guessing the surprise ending.

The Outsider: Must/Can't
Episode 10, Season 1

Did they let King have final edit on this disaster?
No continuity, no 'flow' so to speak. When you have an artistic enterprise where the creators have no ownership rights, but are just 'ghost-writing' shills for some convoluted corporation, the project loses it's soul. It put out a mass-produced pablum of indifference and contrite conformity as to be the generic brand of a lousy TV dinner. I tried to interest a friend in the series at the beginning but didn't push it - just glad I didn't promise something that these hacks couldn't deliver.


Disney ... well, it was clean.
A shockingly good movie. The only 'bone of contention' was it's absence of cultural coloring. Alaska ... such great opportunities for enlightenment of the audience. Much more than just an 'end-note' over a dumb statue in Central Park NYC. The place where "hooch" was coined, the first place to allow women to vote, the famous dog breeding - like the Alaskan Malamute & Husky. Or the many Native tribes, some in the Nome area who would still have spoken Russian. There IS such a thing as TOO clean.

Altered Carbon

Deja vu ???
I started reading the other reviews to see if I had lost my mind, or if anyone else noticed some similarity to another plot line. First of all, I totally agree that season two SUKS !!! But it suks predictably - I knew everything that was going to happen like I'd seen it already. WHERE WAS THIS STOLEN FROM ... and why is it sooo familiar? I see pieces of other stories like it was built in some 'chop-shop' from stolen parts, but something about the frame itself nudges my subconscious like something VERY familiar. Please.........someone trace it's origin. I have a mental library of thousands of sci-fi novels but the harder I try, the more circles-within-circles I become mired in.

Flesh and Blood

Quite annoying.
I've noticed a trend in British dramas - every character needs gob-smacked in the face. Is their entire country full of despicable jerks that you would like to run over with your car? There also is an absolute avoidance of paying attention to the minute detail. It makes everything seem like a lazy Agatha Christie novel. I think the writers should wear a helmet cam for a week and compare real life to the dreck they put on TV. Four episodes of totally unrealistic drivel. I would also like to smack the writer ... I absolutely believe this was stolen from someone else's work and then butchered.

Mary Poppins Returns

Painfully annoying.
A destroyer of memories. For the sake of Money, they have managed to urinate on a great classic. I used to like Emily Blunt, but she was so grating in her performance that she made the other, sallow actors, almost shine. Truly, no one has earned a paycheck, except maybe the guy who shoveled up the horse chit after every day's miserable display of malingering. The emotion the viewer experiences during a musical should not be one of anger and hatred. Shame on everyone involved in this miserable production.


Way better than any new releases.
The bar is so low that this show clears it with little effort. It has a "feel" to it that is hard to describe. Any successful production keeps you interested enough that you aren't constantly picking out flaws and plot holes. It makes you unconscious of time and actually want to see more. Will it keep up the pace and not bow to corporate meddling? See, I want to watch more ... fingers crossed.

Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet

Phony show ... phony reviews.
What a massive waste of time and Money. I was mostly annoyed, never amused. A pickle juice enema would be preferable to watching any more episodes. Has humor been reduced to real-live versions of Terrance and Phillip fart jokes? I seriously wonder what the demographic target audience is. - Frat boys with overly tight underwear? My advice; Go combat and avoid the 'nad pain ... and avoid this show unless you are masochistic.


PLEASE ... who got paid for their 10 star rating?
Why is it that foreign, sub-titled movies, get a higher rating? This was just a plain dumb movie. All hype - no substance. What was with that ending? Artsy-fartsy, wish-in-one-hand, crapolla? I actually liked the businessman's wife. I really hoped that ALL the leach's would be exposed for the skum they were, suffer miserably, and die. Society already rewards dishonesty, and the last thing I want to watch is some farce that almost justifies it.

Little Women

Ouch ... This added nothing new to the story.
NEW ??? new ... I know what you are thinking; "Sacrilege to vary from the original." But it lacked pizzazz, and if Scrabble had four Z's that would be an award winning word. Unfortunately, this movie was NOT award worthy. I screened this with a woman who had an immense literary background and FA degree, she liked it less than me. I found the constant "forwards-backwards" format disconcerting, my friend declared it a waste of time and virtually unwatchable. Period piece, great costumes, "chic-flic" subject matter, and a stinker that lost it's smell 100 years ago. I am not sure what my point score is, or even how many it takes - but I lost ground with this one ... ;-(

Color Out of Space

Politics ???
I actually liked this movie. It was't great, but it was good. Cage was miscast, and a different actor could have put this over the top. I mean a hungry actor, a less famous one. Hell, even a female lead would have been preferable. I know what everyone thinks ; "Too much PC kwap in Hollywood as it is." But for this movie it would have worked. They neutered the movie anyways, and a little controversy could only help the story. They should have included more animals also, "dad's farm" would surely have had the infrastructure. The well was hokey, and the squatter (great role by the way) having running water was just stupid. This is the 21st century, and a digital story board costing a few Million could have fine-tuned this into something people would applaud. The visuals make it theater worthy - the awkward fumbling of the plot keeps it in the DVD rental category.

Star Trek: Picard

Grandpa . i n . s p a c e ........
I feel really bad having to trash this series ... butt - It is like buying IKEA furniture and letting a moron assemble it. I know decent writers won't sign the soul-sucking contracts the industry forces them into, I have a hint; PAY THEM ENOUGH MONEY !!! Mediocre job performance should not be accepted on big-budget projects. Everything about this show is sub-par. Acting; C+, Directing; C-, Editing; C, Sound; D+, and Writing; D-. The only thing not border-line failure is the Production CGI - - but they seem to spend on surperfluous scenes that don't advance the story line. I can ignore the many incredulous mistakes, IF the plot flows. It doesn't, the whole thing makes me cringe. I have already predicted the next 5 or 6 episodes and will check back to see how they managed to make a cliché-like farce out of the rest. I had eagerly awaited this series, I watched the 3 episodes that had been pre-released for review, and then I felt ill. It gets an overly-generous 6 stars - but that is for effort. 2 stars for execution. Let the viewer decide for themselves, just don't get your expectations too high, or your disappointment will be equal.

The Stranger

Very entertaining ... but missed the mark.
So many inconsistencies, so many plot holes. All the potential was there but no one stepped up to the mark. This is the kind of material that once fumbled, has no chance of someone taking it to the heights it deserves. The opportunity was squandered by a lackadaisical attitude of just doing a job and getting a paycheck. No one shined or showed exceptional talent. Pity.

Avenue 5

A real stink-fest.
Fails on every level. It almost seems like the cast regrets signing their contracts and are doing everything possible to put this turd to bed. If this was meant to be a farcical comedy they got it half right. It is a farce. The only humor involved is that anyone actually put up money for it's production. Water polo with goldfish would be more entertaining. This is destined to be on top of the Epic Failures of 2020 and will stink throughout the entire decade.

Project Blue Book

Getting worse not better.
So many flaws. I like having broadcast shows saved on my DVR to fall back on. This is just too absurd to watch anymore. It is not worth the space it takes up and I will be erasing every episode. I feel like my time was wasted on this fetid puke-fest. When you notice the small errors (like perfect modern glass in the windows and doors) it means you are not enjoying anything.

Uncut Gems

The most annoying movie of 2019
Not a big Adam Sandler fan to start with, but this dreck sealed the deal. I am thoroughly disgusted that anyone can make a movie that bad and still take in $40 Million. Must be the hype and the bought-and-paid-for reviews. So glad he died in the end ... KILLing his skum-bag relative was also nice. Too bad the ho ended up with the money, but better than the loan shark's muscle taking it. I am partly pleased to have endured the entire puke fest, can they KILL that talent-less jerk twice?

Fortunate Son

Bought @ Cliches R Us
Pandering to the false narrative that everyone alive at the time was either jive or stupid. I was there and I experienced some really messed up chit, but the backstory was much more complex than this Popsicle pablum could relate. Is this crap that your parents told you? Did anyone bother doing some real research? Or hire some technical advisers whose salary wouldn't amount to the first episodes catering bill? This is a story long overdue to be told, but when you fumble the plot so badly that it become farcical and unable for today's generation to relate to - you poison the field. All for a buck - can't be for any artistic motives, or you would have done due diligence. I hope you choke on your exploitative paycheck and the lavish luxuries it affords.


Is this insanity?
To continue watching a show thinking; "It HAS to get better!" Of course it never does, it just get's worse. Faison's character for instance ... let me count the ways - the ways it blows square chunks. What a casting mistake, what an error by the writers to give the buffoon scenes and dialogue. Tolman and Swinton are both good craftsmen, and most of the supporting cast are competent. Then stupidity sets in, gouge your eyes out stupidity. On the Episodes list there is always the disclaimer "Add a plot"; PLEASE, please, would someone p l e a s e add a plot. It seems like three women [Butters, Fazakes, and Chapman] are writing this nauseating dreck, and must be competing to see who can get the most pay for the least work. If this is female empowerment, someone needs to re-evaluate their priorities - because something that stinks this bad just degrades from any progress made so far.


Slightly hokey, overly PC (of course), but basically good.
I think the show will catch on. The writing is OK, the cast well balanced, and story-line interesting. Now this is far from original TV, but it does have a raw edge to it reminiscent of "Justified". If they keep it mildly controversial, and don't surrender to pandering influences, I will continue watching. It deserves a high 7's rating but not an 8, not yet. The bones definitely need some more meat on them.

Prison Break

Keep putting it down ... like a sick dog.
I've had this show forever. With a good rating and decent number of episodes I picked it up. The basic premise seemed interesting and I don't mind looking at Robin Tunney. The problem is, that it is so far-fetched that it makes me cringe. I know that creative writers sell their soul to the studio and don't actually OWN the creative works they write. They are buried under contract in perpetuity so that even offshoots or spin-offs belong to the company. If this was the case with the music industry or any other artistic enterprise, entertainment would come to a grinding halt. As it is, truly well written episodes are extremely rare. It has become such a disgraceful practice that the lawyers have pushed Congress to keep the older creative characters out of the public domain. Mickey Mouse was taken from Steamboat Willie's domain and enslaved by Disney Corp. so no one else can use any likenesses. Starting November 18, 1928 - it has been extended four more times and could enter the public domain on January 1, 2024. It will be 95 years old.... So who wants to give their genius away to some skum-bag corporation for the rest of their lives? "Boy those writers suck!" - exactly - they suck the studio's contract for a little Money and the privilege of being a slave.

Lost in Space

Just when I thought something couldn't get any worse....
Unlike the Robinson family who were shot into space in a vehicle that had no chance of improving - the show was given massive feedback and many opportunities for correction. It is sheer arrogance to ignore the input from your audience. If anything, it has gotten worse - MUCH WORSE !!! The production quality has diminished and it seems to be suffocating from lack of Money. Season two starts off with the corny "lack of energy" dilemma - mimicking the interest in the show itself. Is everyone aware of the "Cheeze Factor"? You know, where you watch something that is so bad you continue, to see if it ripens like a stinky piece of cheese, or just molds over in some failed biology experiment. I feel sorry for the cast - stuck in some putrid, dead-end contract that will only drag their career's down. PLEASE ... put this travesty out of it's misery and cancel it before becoming a synonym for failure. Space - Lost in you are.

The Witcher

Sorry ... this show is bad on so many levels.
When you hire hack writers who try to 'adapt' rather than 'create', you get moldy toast. All the production Money in the world can't overcome a weak script. Seriously - horses hooves ... trivial and rambling dialogue that seems rushed to get through like it is some chore. Almost ZERO character development, like everyone should already know who is who and what their roles are. Glib and annoying supporting actors like, they are going to die soon so who cares. A total travesty, keep the main actor and start over - who approved this mess

The Witcher

Sorry ... this show is bad on so many levels.
When you hire hack writers who try to 'adapt' rather than 'create', you get moldy toast. All the production Money in the world can't overcome a weak script. Seriously - horses hooves ... trivial and rambling dialogue that seems rushed to get through like it is some chore. Almost ZERO character development, like everyone should already know who is who and what their roles are. Glib and annoying supporting actors like, they are going to die soon so who cares. A total travesty, keep the main actor and start over - who approved this mess

The Lighthouse

Great acting -- Horrible movie.
What can you say about a project that has amazing resources yet fails to deliver? Is this the new trend??? So disappointed, disgusted, angry, and disillusioned. Too many more of these crap movies and people will just quit buying tickets. How about a little entertainment - enough with the artsy-fartsy statements of mediocrity, or the politically correct puke, and the ultra-mundane, funnel-fed, trivial, brainwashing trip down the 'accept-my-opinions' highway to stupidity.

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