
IMDb member since May 2006
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Before Women Had Wings

Absolutely heartbreakingly good
I saw this film on the television today, as I've seen some of it before and wanted to watch the whole thing. I'm glad I did. The performances are stunningly good, and the story is heartbreaking.

You watch how the mother falls to pieces, when her druken no good husband does everyone (you should have thought) a favor and shoots himself. Well not so, - inspite of being beaten into a pulb on a regular basis - she falls to pieces when he dies. Isn't it a strange world somethimes! I love Oprah, but still without her, it would have been a wonderful film. I was in tears at the end of the film, and only wish the story had continued. Yes certainly worth a watch, but not at all for children.


The last bit's for a high score are missing!
Now I've been to see Apocalypto. (please have a look at the website, it's fabulous really don't know what to say but - Wuh! That much I will say. Don't go and watch it if you have bad nerves or are squeamish at all. I normally am, but I looked the other way when something like that happened! It's a though deal - that's for sure. When that's said, and it's the way it has to be, extremely well done. The acting is fabulous, and the scenery, costumes, make-up, effects - all is tip top. I will thought agree with another review of the film, when they say it dosen't deserve 6 stars (in Danish medias. Dorte and I agreed that 4 had to be it, and that's because the good Mr. Gibson tend to get stuck and dwell too much on the same things. Personllly, I think he had the same tendency in "Braveheart (1995)" that otherwise is a good film too. In that he just had the fighting scenes go on eternally, and you're just fed up in the end, and for my sake much of that could have been cut out. It's a bit the same here, but not only fighting scenes. You're taken to the climax and fall down with a bang, you sort of lacks the last bits and the afterplay - to stay with those metaphors! The Film is still in my system this morning. No doubt about the fact that it has had an very hight impact visually and with the sound track. There are some very powerful effects in use.

It's just irritates me, that there are these historical i.e. inaccuracies. When you make a movie that without doubt has cost a small fortune to make, why not make the effort to get things right down in DETAILS. A lot of them are "small stuff", but things that to me is irritating to read about afterwards, and there's not reason for them, seen from the movie side of things - not in my opinion anyway. Just one example is smallpox that is mentioned in the film, and it didn't arrive until the 16th. century with the Spanish. They're also show coming there at the end of the film, and I was sitting there thinking that something was wrong .

On the other hand I learned something on a key issue. I didn't think or thought that the Jaguar, can be black, but it can. I knew that the black panther actually is a leopard, (who still has it's spots). but the same can be true for the Jaguar - I've checked this morning. By the way our main character in the film is called "Jaguar Paw" (Rudy Youngblood). I also got wiser on the fact that it was actually more the Aztecs rather than the Maya that sacrificed people to the Sun God. But they did sacrifice prisoners the way it's shown. So two things mixed together. And why not do it right. The Mayan culture and history is so very interesting on it's own that there's no reason to change it.And a thing as to have a solar eclipse just before a full moon the same evening… hard can it bee not to make mistakes like that - eclipses only come after a new moon! The Maya's had great astrological knowledge and when I was there we saw some fantastic examples of that, in the way they build their temples to make the sun hit special spots in certain time etc.

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