
IMDb member since April 2020
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 7 months


Iron Man 2

Turn up the saturation.
"I quit. I'm resigning. My body literally can't handle the stress." This quote from Pepper sums up how I felt about Iron Man 2. Uhhh can we talk about that grad prix scene...visual effects on point, colours popping and hilarity ensuing. Was I kind of bored? yeah, yeah I was, did I mind that? no, no I didn't. The film is a visual feast. Many amusing antics directed by jon favreau. mickey rourke shines brightly! Mediocre.

Iron Man

one word: chemistry
Chemistry between Downey jr and Platrow in unparraelled. Downey is excellent in this role, a real firecracker energy. The film is devoid of Hollywood jargon- just classic, old fashioned, bare bones weapon man, caught in Iran who aquires an "iron" heart and saves some villagers while learning the true meaning of kindness. Loved it.

La La Land

AHHHH the most fun. Ive never (and I mean never) had more fun watching a flick. Toe tapping, head shaking, thumb clicking realness baby. shake. shake. shake. Damien Chazelle. agh.


great but like
Great piece of cinema but needed less Korean. Was happy with that end scene where everyone got slaughtered because it meant they stopped speaking Korean.

Captain America: The First Avenger

A good man, A bad review.
Captain America...where to start..well lets start with the cgi. I get it its a film of its time, and for its time it was actually quite good (notably the Chris Evans head placed on the small mans body) alas I was distracted by the poor quality. I like the concept, super heart warming. Perhaps a bit too long. Loved the ending tho.

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