Reviews (73)

  • The animation looks alright for an indie cartoon but other than that I have nothing nice I can say about this crap. The concept is somewhat interesting as well I guess. The voice acting is horrendous especially the stupid rabbit guys. This show is just mad overhyped. It also is supposed like indie horror but there is nothing scary about this in the slightest. No hate to the creators or anybody who works on the show I just despise this insanely overhyped show. Maybe episode 3 will be better cause this was better than episode 1. Also this episode is just a blatant rip off that early 2010s wizard of Oz movie. Overall 2.1/10.
  • This movie was the worst garbage. The only movie I could compare it to is what's up (which for those who don't know what that is it's a terrible up rip off). Everyone moves so freaking weirdly in it and it's terrible. The jokes are not funny at all. One of the jokes was "I didn't know mayoring was gonna be so hard" that is the worst joke of all time. The villains didn't even make sense to be in the universe megamind takes place in because the reason megamind exists is because he's an alien from another planet, one of the villians an actual shadow and another one of the villians is a lava rock monster. This movie had a terrible plot and the voice acting is terrible and the animation is terrible and all of the lines/attempts at jokes are terrible and everything about the movie is terrible. 1.2/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is the better version of friends. I would like to say I haven't finished it yet. I am currently on season 7, but this is a really good show. I personally really like how the show has silly humor like an Adam Sandler movie. I think it's really clever because it can introduce a random thing in a earlier season and then like 5 seasons later they'll explain it. I haven't finished the show yet but I got spoiled for the ending of it and it looks terrible,but I haven't seen it so I can't really form an opinion on it. I really like season 6 because of Marshalls dads death story line and Barney meeting his dads storyline. Overall 9.1/10 show.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was going into this movie expecting garbage but it was actually pretty decent. I had a fun plot and some really cool kills. The best part of the movie is when Afton gets springtraped and he yells at the animatronics. I think the acting was very good especially for the child actors. I think it did very good fan service. It did actually have some pretty good jumpscares. The set/costume design looks good. If I'm gonna be honest I didn't really like the plot about Garrett to much but it is crucial for the movie. I think Matthew Lillard did a really good job as William Afton. Overall I think the movie is a 5.6/10.
  • The Simpsons hasn't been good in a while. I think that first 7 seasons were the best seasons and, it was still good up until season 12. Season 12 was very disappointing but season 11 I think was very good. All the seasons after 12 got progressively worse but, I think season 35 gives hope to the series. This episode is as good as the average season 8 episode. I really didn't think that I was gonna be laughing at a modern Simpsons episode but, I actually did. The show might actually be good again. I think the episodes message was also pretty good. Overall I think this episode is a 7.6 out of 10.
  • I'm still young and a lot of people said it's "Bad for little kids and has horrible morals." But I love how dark and twisted it is! I love how calm it could one minute and the sometjing gory could just happen! Am I gonna show this to my Very young cousins? NO! No way it is to gory but I mean like from the ages of 7-16 Could enjoy this show I feel like. Overall it is one of my favorite shows and there should be a season 2 Soon so I am excited. Definitely should give a watch (and it has pretty big casting choices for some random reason!) A very similar show is a Disney Goldy locks show that is for little kids with no gore! So if gore isn't you cup of tea then you should check out the Goldy locks show.
  • The entire short movie is just Joes apartment date scene you can put the side by side and barely notice a difference except for the actors. I highly recommend Joes apartments actual movie because that is hilarious!
  • If you watched Joe's apartment you probably are like "what is this peace of garbage it's horrendous and so stupid" if you say and or think that your wrong. Joe's apartment is charming funny and has surprisingly great songs definitely give a watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie is boring and even though its a normal films length it takes forever! Its cliche boring and predictable! The plot twist where she was an alien was so dumb I rolled my eyes til the saw my brain and I predicted she was an alien since the first film! If your film series is that predictable just quit. 4/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Personally I have always liked Rowan Atkinson and when I saw there was a new show with him in it I was very excited. Then it came out I binged it all in one night there where some hilarious scenes like the show one then there where some cringey scenes like the scene with the dog collar. Good from start great to the middle bad to the end. The has personally I think the worst ending to a very good tv series. Cause he is in prison now and because property damage but he hears the robbers from the house early in the show eating lunch next to him saying that "They paid the robbers to rob them for insurance." Overall a good tv series.
  • This series is a for good cause for starving children around the world if you can I suggest you donate. And its very enjoyable he's really cool guy doing a nice thing this series is only available on youtube.
  • I love this film but it's not the best monster Inc better. My favorite chapter is probably Mr potato head. This part of the review is filler so it doesn't even matter.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Tucker Carlson is right sided political commentator who spreads vaccine fake stories of how they are horrible. Imdb needs an update where I can rate things 0 out of 10.

    Update: His show has been cancelled thankfully.
  • Courage is finally back go watch it! This my favorite scabby zoo movie from this year.
  • Its a good show Sam the best part I like all the bobby side plots the show is pretty good season 2 just came out and I watched half of it so trust me you should give it a try.
  • 3 August 2021
    Its not my favorite movie but its still really great! Its not that scary but the scariest part was when pennywise was in the grave next to adult bill. But over all highly recommend!
  • Listen it is a good film but every body is like "When I was a kid I saw space jam in theaters and it was great! Then this came along and booo!" The reason it was bad to you is cause you watched the first as a kid and you watched 2nd as an adult! So maybe watch the movie with a grain of salt.
  • Its such a great drama its a great movie highly recommend its my favorite movie and I have seen A LOT of movies!
  • If you want to watch coco don't you should watch book of life instead This movie is way worse than book of life because it ripped off book of life. Listen to the medium reviews its a good story but its been done before.
  • This is a great movie and I'm probably going to make a vid about it. Its so BAD that its a TREASURE A PURE GEM!
  • If you are like me and enjoy some of Disney's content you should probably give this a try.
  • This is a timeless children's classic and I am so excited for the reboot!
  • The show would have been ok if the Dragon scalley wasn't in it. I like Jim Cummings (he played scalley the dragon) but his character was the worst part!
  • Its a good show not as good as the original I finished it by the way the best episode was episode 5.
  • I laugh so hard when its serious, I cry when its funny, and I can't believe this makes money.

    Poem by a movie geek.
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