
IMDb member since May 2020
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    IMDb Member
    3 years, 11 months


Breaking Bad

Superb and classic series
Every episode is excellent, so the quality of the series is very reliable. 10/10. Breaking Bad = Freaking Sad.

I, Robot

Human, robotics and laws
The film shares the same name as Asimov's novel, but with some adaptations. But in general, it doesn't break the three laws. This kind of science fiction film, which integrates human nature and ethics of science and technology, triggers our deep reflection. Human beings and robots have advantages and disadvantages, no matter when, in front of any biological species, we always have the freedom to choose.

American Beauty

That is human nature
Sad stories of middle-aged people and many families. Human nature really can't stand the test. A man who can adhere to the heart of the talent is really kind.

Silent Hill 2

Where is the HOLE? It's in your mind.
Silent Hill 2 is not just a mysterious and horror game, but also contains a lot of psychological content. People change memories for defensive reasons. James wanted to get away from what he had done, but the shock was so great that he was delusional. The monsters in the game are also a reflection of the characters' psychological problems. Multiple endings increase the gameplay, and dog ending is a bit ironic.

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