IMDb member since May 2020
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    IMDb Member
    3 years, 10 months



Feels like a made-for-TV film...
Comes across as very amateurish, surprising since it's an all-star cast.

Not sure about his accent, sounds more Scottish than Welsh. Robert Downey Jr made a conscious effort to decide to play his version of John Dolittle as a Welshman, based on a Welsh archdruid named William Price, you'd think he'd have actually been able to pull off a Welsh accent, instead of this weird Scottish-sounding accent. Surprised Michael Sheen (Dr Blair Müdfly) approved, seeing as he himself is a Welshman.

CGI is quite poor, looks like something made 10+ years ago. CGI is impressive when you can't tell it's CGI! Sadly not the case in this film, disappointing considering its budget.

Storyline as a whole is very scattershot and all over the place. All messaging / morals the film decides to randomly insert is painfully overt and disjointed.

Perhaps I am simply not the demographic, but I can't really see children being too interested in this film either.

Brother Bear 2

This just doesn't compete with the original.
The first film is probably my favourite Disney film of all time.

This film feels tacky. The voice acting is excellent but the storyline is lacking and relies too much on humour. The animation / art-style is not as good as the first Brother Bear film. Characters are heavily "cartoony" in a slapstick sort of way; it's as though this whole film was animated the same way as Rutt and Tuke, which simply doesn't reflect the characters.

The lack of Joaquin Phoenix as the lead character takes alot away from this film. Not to say that Patrick Dempsey did a poor job, rather he is not Joaquin but playing a role his role; it doesn't work for me.

The story is dry and just overall boring.

Sound track is okay, kinda folksy though and obviously doesn't compare to Phil Collins's of the first.

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