
IMDb member since July 2020
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    3 years, 8 months


Too Hot to Handle

Shows human nature at its worst (or best???)
My hubby thinks its trash, and yes it is 'trashy'. Nothing worst then a bunch of semi adults (lets face it they're mostly in their 20s), lusting over each other like a child over candy. Sort of sad and embarrassing for humanity as a whole. THAT said, it was funny to see how ridiculously behaved they were and how many cringe moments could fit into a episode. I watched it for that alone and thoroughly enjoyed its simple trashy nature. Something cringe worthy and mindless for a busy week night.

Would watch a 2nd season lol!

Dare Me

Honestly loved this show!! It had a 'Skins" (UK) feel to it & Beth certainly reminded me of Effy (Looks and personality). Some things don't make complete sense in the show and I'm assuming that was because a season 2 was planned. That however is no longer happening with the show being cancelled for season 2. Which honestly has me so angry!! They want to move more towards reality TV, UGH!

Would love to see a season 2, however it doesn't seem likely. I'll dream about the possibilities this show could have had.

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