
IMDb member since November 2006
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    17 years


The Mouse and His Child

G? Nope...
This movie came up tonight during a dinner conversation with friends so I Googled it and ended up here. I enjoyed lurking and reading people's comments. And then I read this: "There's nothing here that I believe would disturb a child..." Uh, sure. My mother, older sisters and I saw this movie in the theater in 1977, so I was 4 or 5 years old. To this day I vividly remember seeing the movie ...as well as my incessant, inconsolable sobbing at the (SPOILER) previously mentioned rock crushing scene.

Yes, yes, it was a different time back then and probably kids today are exposed to much worse day in and day out. And yes, I was a young kid. But *no way* is this a typical G movie. Watch it first and decide for yourself before considering showing it to your kids.

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