
IMDb member since September 2001
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    IMDb Member
    22 years


Baronessen fra benzintanken

A danish classic - a must see
This movie is one of the greatest movies ever made in denmark, and it is better than the new "Dogme-movie" which was popular in the late 90'ies. The movie is about a young girl (Ghitha Nørby) at a gas station who suddenly discover that she is the lawfull successor of a baroness (Maria Garland). The young girl (Anne) moves to the land steward and has to be trained to be a fine woman. For exapmle must Anne learn french which she pronounces quite funny. The dilemma is between Anne and the baroness, and gradually they learn to appreciate the way they are, but now without some conflicts... Naturally Anne falls in love (or does she?). Put together is the movie a great movie full of funny episodes and Maria Garland and Dirch Passer makes the movie worth seeing again and again and again...You never get to se the movie too many times. I hope that you agree,

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