
IMDb member since November 2001
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    22 years



Best of the 3 seasons: a combination of highly charged politics and a murder thriller
This is the third and final season of Forbrydelsen (The Killing). It combines all the best elements of the Nordics thriller tradition: a very good written storyline, superb acting and very good art direction and filming. The main character - Sara Lund - has some way to get back to her rather unorthodox way of policing but gets in her stride after several episodes. The story is an intriguing triangle of murder, politics and business and reveals several corrupting involvements that we so-called sophisticated Europeans (I'm Dutch) think mainly exist in the USA etc.

Highly commendable, both entertaining and something that makes you think about the world at the same time.


combination of Nordics and NYC mob, hilarious result
I recently discovered this series through the "You might also like ..."-service of IMDb. And what a find it was! I never thought that the combination of the Nordic social democratic system (not generally known for its sense of humor, especially the dour Norwegians)and some down-to-earth NYC mobster ways could lead to such a hilarious result.

Kudos all around for those who makes this work, to start with the unforgettable Steven Van Zandt. Although he seems to knows only one type of character as an actor, he makes it stand out and (apparently) was instrumental in getting this thing off the ground in the first place.

It probably helps that I'm from the Netherlands so I'm used to sub-titled movies and television. But I would think that once you're used to some sub-titles, this series will work for you, too. I'm only through the first 2 episodes of the first series, but looking forward to the rest and the next season too!

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