
IMDb member since May 2022
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O Segredo Dos Djinn

Make the 3 wishes or die...a perfect gem.
Made on just 12,000 this movie is must see, it brings back those special horror moments we like in slasher movies, the suspense was the best here bringing the Djinn to close encounters with his victims were he knows their greatest fear, and uses that to kill them.

Wishmaster is really a terrifying cat and mouse game between the protagonist who enters a reality with no knowledge of the rules of survival and a cunning entity who's power seems to be omnipresent. The wishes are a very original way of creating scary scenes so I feel this movie is unique in the horror genre.

For the most parte of the movie he just wants to know " where is James " the man who woke him, as nobody knows, everybody dies.

Aliens: O Despertar

This is were it all began.
This fan film is all i hope it was, high quality in animation and live action, this is a fan film done right, i´ve already seen it 4 times, is that good.

Kudos to the director, and all the cast for making an amazing movie like this.

I´m very happy, just wish they would release it on bluray, so i could buy it, and add it to my collection of the alien franchise.

This movie shows what i was hoping to see, since the release of the first alien, how the derelict ship came from, and now i know.

It didn´t crash there, it was already there, in an engineer´s base of experiments, one of the facehuggers grabs an engineer and when it releases him, we see him awake and go to the command of the ship, when the ship starts to lift off, the chestburster explodes is chest, making him die, and crash the ship, and that was a top spot for me, later on we will see him in the chair of command fossilized of Alien.

Great scenes of tension, good sountrack, great characters.

I love it.

Jeepers Creepers O Regresso

The castle of the Creeper is even scarier.
The Creeper, the villain of this horror film, is easily one of the most terrifying villains of horror in a long time. The way he looks, what he wears, his truck, what he does. All of it is horrifying. I proudly tilt my hat to whoever did the makeup for this fan film, because it´s really near the makeup of the first two films.

Not much blood and guts like your average slasher film. But a great method of suspense that will scare you when you are at home alone.

The killer starts stalking them, but he isn't what they think he is, he is a demonic creature who feeds on human body parts, and we see a lot of them in the few old houses he haves, and a castle, the scenes of the castle were the best, and that alone, put this movie on the map.

Overall, this is a nicely made horror film with some flaws here and there.

Halloween: O Legado

Michael Myers the king of slashers lives to kill once more.
Great movie i just saw on their channel, i was expecting to laugh about it, and come here to give a 1 or 2 rating, but was i wrong, the trailers were satisfying, and after i saw this one i was surprised.

The movie puts Michael on the protagonist mode, and the other characters are secundary, or characters just to die, there´s ins´t a good plot, only Michael killing people left and right, entering houses, killing entire families, it´s a mayhem of blood and violence, for me i liked a lot, because i love movies like this one.

The atmosphere of this movie is also good, the cast did an okay job, and Michael does what he has to do, but the main credit goes to the guy that plays Michael we can see here, that he mimics on 100% percent every movement just like the original, and if you want to be precise, be a good Michael Myers or the movie will fail, in here he did it.

That´s why my rating is 9.

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