• Marcelo Tobar's adaptation of the play of the same name achieves to mantain the narrative style of a teather play while making the audience engaged in the plot, that, even though it's not as deep as it could have been, it's very faithful to the original source.

    There're only three characters, Alejandro Speitzer, who this time plays the older role, Ro, and delivers one of his best performances. Franco Masini also does a good job as the young and naive new love interest Cris, and Bárbara López is amazing as the devoted long-term girlfriend Elia.

    The long single shots, the chemistey between the characters and the stunning cinematography makes this film a very pleasant surprise.
  • Juan Rulfo might be one of the most influencial Latin American writters of all time, and Pedro Paramo is without a doubt his masterpiece, so having to adapt it into any kind of work (a film, a tv series, a play) is a risk very few screenwriters, directors and producers can afford.

    Four times Academy Award® nominee cinematographer - and now director - Rodrigo Prieto knows very well how to use all his resources and talent to create a flawless visually and technical stunning enviroment worthy of praise with the help of Academy Award® winner Eugenio Caballero in charge of the production design, and Academy Award® winner Gustavo Santaolalla in the music score.

    The cast is amazing too, especially the supporting performances by Dolores Heredia, Roberto Sosa and Ilse Salas.

    Goya® winner Mateo Gil does an impressive work adapting Rulfo's book, keeping in mind the narrative of the book is not lineal and might be difficult to follow, therefore this is a movie that needs to be watched while paying attention.
  • Academy Award® nominee Nanette Burstein builds an insightful and moving documentary of one of the greatest Hollywood icons that ever existed using what could be very obvious resources for a project like this, recorded interviews, photographs and files footage.

    However, she uses all these resources and her expertise properly, creating an intimate and gracious 100 minutes journey worthy of an acclaimed actress as Elizabeth Taylor.

    We find out what we've all been knowing all along but we happen to disregard very often, behind the glamorous legend, she was just a person.

    A person with insecurities, a person who made mistakes, and a person trying to learn and improve...

    Elizabeth Taylor's achievements didn't only occur in her amazing career (5 Academy Awards® nominations - twice winner - and becoming the first actor ever earning 1 million dollars for a movie) but in her personal life, being her one of the first public figures talking openly about subjects that were taboo over that time, drugs and alcohol addiction, rehab process and AIDS.

    As fascinating as once was Elizabeth Taylor, this documentary is an exceptional tribute for her and an outstanding addition to this genre.
  • After the success of the acclaimed movie "Ya no estoy aquí", Fernando Frías tries with a smarter but unfortunatelly not so strong project, "No voy a pedirle a nadie que me crea".

    The plot turns around one tragedie after another, mixed with black humour and smart analogies.

    At times the pace might be slow, but Fernando knows how to build a problematic atmosphere and uses all his resources to develop the characters and the chaotic situations they are going through.

    The weaker point of this movie resides on the screenplay too, Fernando tries to cover a lot of subplots that it's hard to focus on one, but the performances of everyone involved in this movie, specially the staring couple - Dario Yazbek Bernal and Natalia Solián - are so good, that its flaws might be forgiven.
  • I get why some people might not like it... and I also get why other people might do it.

    Recursos Humanos is an interesting project where you can notice that Jesús Magaña Vázquez had a lot of ideas... some of them worked, some others didn't.

    The screenplay is both the strongest and the weakest element, the moments where this satirical movie works it works well, making you think about how close to real interactions this movie could be... until it overflows with exaggerations, that, in some cases are funny, but in others, the story rushes from one hysterical situation to other that it's hard to get the point of everything.

    Despite of that, Pedro de Tavira does a very good job trying to portray all the shades of his character, and even when unfocused, it's great to see movie directors betting to take risks.
  • Mar de fondo (Danyka) is not just a movie about a teenage girl seducing a grown up man, but to get there you need to read between lines.

    With just two characters and the sea, Rowe's builds the whole plot where the most interesting happen when nothing happens.

    Demián Bichir is a very gifted actor, and even when this is far from being his masterpiece, he manages to explore what could be a controversial subject.

    Long shots seem to complement the lack of screenplay, but the cinematography is so stunning Rowe gets away with that.

    Even when this movie could have been better, it's still above the average of most of the Hollywood movies that get running every weekend in the movie theaters.
  • If you are looking for an outstanding Disney/Pixar animated movie that resonates through generations... skip this one.

    Día de Muertos is a simple weekend movie aimed to kids and just that. There is not a complex plot, a message that needs to be analized, nor a compelling screenplay that will be praised.

    The animation is good considering the budget, and the plot, like I said, simple.

    The cast did what they could with the material they were offered. Memo Aponte, Luis Estrada and Fernanda Castillo are very talented voice actors, and that's Día de Muerto's wisest choice.

    Its biggest sin was to be released right after Academy Award winner Coco, and the comparison is unfair since it never aspired to be that.

    Turn off your brain and enjoy it.
  • Academy Award® nominee Adriana Barraza can turn anything into gold!

    Documentary maker Natalia Almada jumps to fiction with a movie about loneliness and aimless, humdrum life, and it feels just like that... like a documentary about monotonous routine.

    I get that was Natalia's intention, to let the audience know the feeling of a life with no purpose, but that doesn't change the fact that it could be tiresomeish to go through the whole movie with nothing but Adriana Barraza's performance.

    Adriana is able to take a screenplay with no much dialogue and use it to transmit the nuances and emotions of her character mostly with only her gaze and expressions.

    It's not a bad a movie at all, but you really need to be the kind that enjoys the slow ones.
  • It's great to see Academy Award nominee® Marina de Tavira in an staring role after the fuss of Roma.

    It has been six years since Roma changed the life of everyone involved in that project, and even when Marina had the chance of working in Hollywood in movies like Reminiscence and series like Now and Then, she hadn't had an staring role... until now.

    Latido is a film about the exploration of motherhood and the desire or not-desire for parenting.

    The script is subtle but direct, and Marina de Tavira's performance excels and outshines everybody, and don't get me wrong, all the cast delivers, no matter the time they are on the screen every actor try their hardest, but Marina approaches her character and all her nuances with overwhelming force.

    I hope this movie gets more attention cause it deserves it.
  • I'm not going to lie, I was shocked when I finished to watch this short, but I guess that means it worked.

    You might not like the subject, but that doesn't mean it's a bad project, and this one is far from being bad.

    The animation technique is amazing and the plot, even when is raw is important. In a country like Mexico where the rates of violence between couples just keeps growing is important not to normalize toxic behaviour, and this short handles it straightforward.

    Even when it's not its intention, it does also show what a street animal must face in a daily basis, and as the owner of two rescued cats I think is very important to raise awarness of animal abuse too.
  • Smart comedies are hard to find, and a big part of the appeal of this film lies in the screenplay. Benjamin Naishtat and María Alché openly adress the lack of resources, obstacles of public education and the social and politic enviroment while mixing the comic situations that the protagonist put up with and at times they immerse us in philosophical introspections.

    Marcelo Subiotto nails it with a subtle performance consistent with the reserved personality of his character.

    On the other hand, Leonardo Sbaraglia shines every time he appears, however they waste him since his time on screen is brieflier than expected considering a big part of the marketing of the movie lies on him.
  • Subtle but thoughtful family drama in which acclaimed director Lila Áviles accurately reflects the different nuances of each character and shows the different ways in which each of them faces an imminent tragedy within the family nucleus.

    Lila develops the plot in an almost poetic way with visually attractive but meaningful shots that represent the interaction between the characters.

    The young and promising actress Naíma Sentíes offers a spectacular performance in which she manages to communicate through her gaze and few dialogues the endless emotions that a child can't fully process in such a complex situation.

    Warm and emotional, Tótem is a film that stands out from the average Mexican production in terms of substance and form.
  • I might have a biased opinion since I haven't read the book so I don't know how faithful the movie is to the source material.

    However, judging the movie by itself I think is above the average.

    The whole cast did an incredible job, and most of them have from zero to few experience in acting.

    The cinematography is visually alluring, and Elisa Miller uses all the technical resources available in order to create a wild atmosphere.

    The plot is properly developed, and even though there're a lot of issues mingling between one and another (extreme poverty, ignorance, prostitution, corruption and violence) every story is told enough.
  • I had the opportunity to watch this short at the International Short Film Festival of Mexico and I must say it was one of the best of the competition by far.

    Selma Cervantes nails it showing the awful conditions and labor explotation workers must face.

    Even though it's placed during the Covid pandemic, most of these situatios are currently happening on a daily basis (for example, making you sign a resignation letter the same day you are hired so they can fire you whenever they want) making you think how used we are toward these abusive practices.

    Yalitza Aparicio gives a wonderful performance, showing the distress we all have felt when we think we could loose our source of income, struggling while trying to hide her pregnancy and trying to go unnoticed. The last scene was heartbreaking and I have to say I was impressed of how good she managed the role.