Reviews (18)

  • Just when I thought this show could not become anymore insane I happened upon the scene towards the end of the series where Erin confronts Lena at a location where some dozens of beautifully dressed women are seated in front of a long bar where they are having drinks. This is obviously a very up market collection of females in a very up market location. Not only is Erin badly dressed but her clothes are covered in blood as is her face. Lena arrives, also with blood on her face and wearing cloths that make her stand out like a sore thumb. None of the dozens of women take the slightest bit of notice of either of them! They then proceeded to walk right through the middle of the gathering and still not one woman looked up! The bar man also ignored the teo lunatics standing in front of him. The sheer incompetence is stunning. Did no one think to instruct the extras to react. Pathetic!!
  • This was actually funded? Seriously? Some the ugliest characters and played by the most unatractive cast that I have ever seen on a television screen. The bad language is just so repetitive that it loses all effect except to be just plain offensive. If that was the intent it has certainly worked! I realise that in real life some people are total morons living in rubbish dumps but the constant scenes of morons, including the Police are in no way a form of entertainment. The only saving grace is that I did not have to pay for it during the ten minutes in which I wasted my life. As Barry Humphries might have said: "This is as funny as a fire in an orphanage".
  • This is a number of reasonably interesting court room scenes broken up by scene after boring scene of the participants lives most of which I had no interest in at all. If only it was called The Six it would have been over in half the time. A classic example of a concept that would run for perhaps 4 to 6 episodes with a minimum of scenes outside the court room. Court room dramas have always been been very popular and this series would I think have been a winner. A number of dodgy performances is no great help either. Sam Neil of course is wonderful to watch as usual and the prosecutor is suitably annoying. Overall I felt as though I had wasted many hours of my life. I can only assume that the rave reviews with ratings of 8 and over were written by family members of the producers, crew and cast.
  • The rave reviews are obviously from crew members and friends and family of Webster. In fact as one of them is from the producer's assistant the rest are suspect to say the least. Very ordinary directing with a number of dubious performances from the cast who look like they were borrowed from a high school theatre group. The twenty minute storyline is padded out with scene after boring scene in a very weak script. Altogether a pointless waste of time. How on earth does junk like this get financed?

    Since I first submitted this review I see there are several more 10/10 rave reviews posted. These are so obviously fakes they are laughable. No one other than cast/crew/Webster's family could possibly rate this gormless rubbish anywhere above 3/10. They don't even have the intelligence to rate around 6 to 8 stars making the reviews halfway believable. The 10 ratings instantly bring them unstuck.
  • The amount of padding, both in scenes and dialogue makes for a tedious first 3 episodes. Even when the pace picks up a litle the writer continues to divert to pointless guff. I have taken to fast forwarding as a means of editing the drivel out of it. The acting is all over the place but then so it was in the previous series. I have no idea how the producers get the funding for this stuff.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have just watched the last episode of series 2 and am totaly confused. Which are the 2 countries responsible for the cyber attack? Who had the "kill switch" and activated it? Why were the Americans being threatened and what influence did they have. If they could stop the attacks why did they not? As the series progressed it became ever more obscure.
  • This is really just a pretentious and boring load of rubbish. A waste of some seriously talented actors and scenery. There is nothing wrong with a 'slow burn" movie so long as it is interesting which this is not. I stopped watching at about the half way mark in favour of a re run of New Tricks.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have just watched series one. It suffers from 2 glaring problems. The first being the gratuitous, not to say ludicrous, sex scenes. The second being the appalling miscasting of Amanda Mealing as Col Eleanor Grant. Apart from the fact that she is a B grade actress, she is utterly unconvincing as a military officer. My wife nearly fell off our sofa laughing every time Mealing appeared on screen. The fact that her character has been killed off so early leads me to believe that the producers and her long suffering directors formed the same opinion. Few actors have the gravitas to play military officers and Mealing does not number among them.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have just watched episod 8 in which one character announces that there are more than 2 sexes! Who writes this left wing liberal garbage? This series is more of a political statement than a cop show. Please just do the car chases and the gunfights. We don't need any more undermining of sane society. As for a non binary actor playing a non binary character; who cares? It must have been hilarious when filming as "They" were called to set.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I thought this was one of the greatest tv shows we have produced in Australia, until the final scenes of series 3. We are supposed to believe that "Ray" having been established as totally street wise will pick up two young guys in his taxi, drive them to a dark, deserted beach (for no apparent reason) in pouring rain without waking up to them in the first minute of the drive. Then, having listed to their inane threats he shouts "Run" and the screen goes to black while a song of the same name crashes onto the sound track. What the hell was that all about?
  • I do not understand the positive reviews of this total rubbish. Did they see a different series. My wife and I gave up after episode 2. The script is dreadful, the lighting dreadful and the acting by most of the cast is simply embarrasing including Bryan Brown who as usual plays Bryan Brown. He usually gets away with it but not this time due to the poor script and woeful directing. The story is incoherent from scene one. How does crap like this ever get financed?
  • David Straton refused to rate this appaling load of unpleasant rubbish. He made the right decision.
  • This dreadful load of rubbish is right down in the gutter with Romper Stomper, another film that should never have been made. It manages to be boring, unpleasant and pointless all at once. Quite a considerable achievment! The project fails at every level. How on earth it was financed is quite beyond me. And how anyone was talking into "acting" in it is a mystery.
  • I have just wasted $6:00 and 40 minutes of my life watching this boring imitation of THE BIG CHILL. I say 40 minutes as I couldn't stand it any longer. As a tourism commercial it barely makes the grade. There is only so long one can admire the scenery. Pedestrian direction and actors who at least had the good grace to look as though they would rather be somewhere else as they recited lines from a mediocre script. I can only assumed it was funded because of the names involved. A pointless waste of money.
  • To place series 2 in perspective: The original movie is one of the best Australia has seen. A classic slow burn/atmospheric film that even overcame Aaron Peterson's one dimensional/angry man performance. Goldstone was a mistake and should never have been made. Series One suffered from a boring script, very bad acting by most of the supporting cast and the woeful casting of Judy Davis as a Police Sergeant. Her grimacing, scene chewing, hip swinging performace would indicate that nobody on the production had ever seen a real Police Sergeant. Including the costume department who had no idea. The first 3 episodes of the second series are so slow and boring that I suspect many viewers will turn off. It picks up but way too late. Once again the secondary characters are badly acted, Peterson is still - well - Peterson. Why on earth Sofia Helin became involved is beyond me. As Claire Sims she obviously has not got a clue as what the script or her character are on about. This is the woman who starred in The Bridge for heavens sake. The constant Indigenous culture themes are forced on the viewer to the point of absurdity. One can only hope that a series 3 will be passed on in favour of something worth watching.
  • Three Summers will never win an award and plays to a select audience I would think. It's main fault is that it all seems so pointless. There are several highlights: the female security guard is great fun and the running gag of the two couples who park in exactly the same place every year and do not move from their chairs. If only the rest of the movie was up to these standards.
  • This is a wonderful movie that I understand did badly in the cinemas. The trailer was possibly the worst ever seen in this country. It gave the viewer no indication whatever of the storyline or contents. The movie is funny, sad and offbeat and the locations are wonderful. There are several spectacular and totally unpredictable action sequences. I highly recommend "H" to all age groups.
  • This appalling load of tripe leaves me wondering which is the worst. Brian Trenchard-Smith's writing or his directing. How on earth was anyone persuaded to fund this movie? The action sequences are straight out of film school year one and at times one can actually see the stunt driver's faces! And this guy is supposed to be an action director. Perhaps he was too exhausted from the effort of typing the tragic dialog and apologizing to his lead actors after they realized just what a mess they had landed themselves in. The twelve million dollars it reportedly cost to make would have been better spent on four movies at three million dollars each with decent scripts and directing. Let's pray Trenchard-Smith never gets another chance to inflict such horrors on the public. I have just watched this again it seems even worse than ever