
IMDb member since February 2008
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    16 years


3 Idiots

^_^The best film reflecting Asia's education ever!
As many ordinary Chinese high school students,who have to study fourteen(14) hours every day for the college entrance examination in the final year,I was entirely shaken and moved by "3 idiots",sharing the same feeling with all the students from high schools and universities in China(or Asia). O(∩_∩)O Compared with mainland China,India is lucky,having less corruption in education system.

This film is incredible inspiring,especially for those who are struggling or "survived" in high schools and colleges.

I read some reviewer,some doubt whether suicide in the film is logical,which is really DISAPPOINTING! (—__—!)

If you experience the life in poverty areas in Asia,you will understand what a significant role the higher educations play in their lives. Burdening great pressure from family and society,they attach great expectation and significance to the enrollment of colleges,and they intend to abandon poverty by getting higher education.Diploma means everything for them. Thus,the plot where the man committed suicide after lost the chance to graduate is reasonable.

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