
IMDb member since September 2024
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    IMDb Member
    4 months


Saikojiman Gwaenchanha

This drama is absolutely a must wach! From the very first episode you know that it is gonna be the one that you will watch with satisfaction. You can not wait to start watching the next episode. So many life problems are traveling throught this seria. So many feelings are included in every dialog. In one minute you are laughting and in the other you find yourself crying. You constantly questioning yoursel what would you do and that is why this drama is so good. So gentle, so warm, so emphatic, so funny and so full of giving love. And the need to receive the love. I know that one time I will watch it again.


Great drama
This cannot be the end! Captivating the King is really captivating. I'm watching it for the second time. Jo Jung-suk acting is soooo persuading! I could watch it over and over again. This was the first drama that I'm watcing with this actor and I am so pleasently surprised. The way the scenes are presented are so realistic. The other actors are also great in their performing. I like history / costumed dramas. I can only imagine what was life before on courts all over the world. So risky and cruel, so full of secrets and intrigues... I really think that it will be the 2nd season because lot of things are not said or done.

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