
IMDb member since April 2008
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Good acting, good cinematography, horrible plot
Upon seeing 3 great actors cast in this film (MacDowell, Siddig & Hoskins) I had high hopes. I was sorely upset by what I saw.

-The lead character just comes off as too "bad ass" and there just isn't any enough reason or rhyme for her actions. Besides seeing her mother killed as a little girl, there is hardly anything to her. Just just a vivacious bad ass capable of anything without a moment's thought. Utterly silly.

-From the beginning, that massive wall that was erected overnight along the Scottish border seemed like total malarkey. The faceless soldiers firing upon civilians seemed a stretch too, I mean it is a small country, no doubt those soldiers would have among those civilians some friends and family. It isn't like the civilians were murderous zombies or anything.

-It was hard to believe that they just cordoned off this whole area, not publicly knowing for 30 years that people were still alive there, and never once sending in a team of scientists into an area where this plague is obviously not air borne.

-The armored vehicles that were made to look so impressive with 2035 technology sure didn't stand up very well to a few Molotov cocktails. And the soldiers that completely wigged out so soon must have been the rejects of training.

-When the soldiers accompanying the lead character did die off, I didn't really give a crap because frankly their characters just weren't built up to that point to where I should. It seemed as if the director was just jumping to and fro just as haphazardly as the writers.

-It was humorous to see that after 30 years of complete neglect that the rail lines and even more surprisingly the ELECTRICITY was still completely functional, despite having been left to derelict. There must be no utility workers today in Scotland I guess, being that their system are so indestructible.

-A sweet Bentley that must have had a hatchback V6 ramming into it seemed just as perplexing, but at this point everything was so farcical I didn't much care.

In the end, she leads the band of cannibal mad-men. The writers just went off the deep end on this one.

War and Peace

Condensed yet superb
For those that have read the well over 1,000-paged book, this mini-series will prove to impress you quite well. While most of the characters are well-cast, and the cinematography is rich enough for a full-featured film, I felt rushed along a little too hurriedly. Yes, while Tolstoy did go incredibly in-depth on his characters, there were still some VERY important elements that were either skipped or assumed in this series that left me wanting.

Maybe I simply felt let down from the commitment put into reading the novel to see everything shortened so much, however if only they could have spared a few more hours to supply that to enrich the characters...

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