Reviews (2,110)

  • With no knowledge of these films or their content, and having little expectations. This film isn't as bad as some have made it out to be, and it turned out to be more entertaining than initially expected.

    It's clearly meant to be a found footage type horror mockumentary type film, reminiscing of the Blair Witch Project. The acting at times doesn't feel scripted with a majority of the scenes just consisting of these heavily tattooed women arguing, screaming and bickering back and forth.

    Its plot is very simply. About a dozen of these models go into an isolated cabin in the woods to film a calendar photo shoot, then one by one a girl goes missing. We don't exactly see how these girls go missing or who abducts/ kills them which keeps it more suspenseful.

    Several highlights include the random appearance of the "caretaker" seemingly popping out of nowhere when the women were around the campfire. Then another scene with the police officer arriving to seemingly help the women find of the women who got "lost" in the woods.

    Also near latter part of the film when they were down to 7 women was when things got further interesting with the women forming two groups. We see a major blowup amongst them with four of the women leaving the cabin area with the use of the boat, boating across the large river to eventually get back to the remote area. This wasn't exactly clear.

    Unfortunately the very ending reveal was completely disappointing as it took away from what we witnessed. We understand the reasoning but there could have been a better ending.

    Clearly this is a film for not everyone as there is an abundance of open nudity (from these photo shoots) and these women for the most part aren't exactly likeable with the constant whining and bickering. The standouts are Amina, Daven and Fractal (who looks similar to Krysten Ritter). Don't expect too much and don't expect a full out horror film.
  • This film is an independent based film and certainly feels like a parody attempt and homages to past sex comedies. The acting over all isn't great as many characters are very over the top and they try acting comical which mostly falls flat. This film feels more so like a soft core adult film but disguised as an art film. The nudity is in about every scene, however not all is in a sexual way. There are brief explicit scenes with many jumping back and forth. It certainly is more than expected as the actors seemed to be enjoying themselves.

    The central plot regarding a young innocent girl being brought into this world and somehow stumbling into the house she stays in starts off decent but its plot is very thin and things start getting repetitive. We learn more about different characters and their motives but in the end, it ultimately feels pointless and without consequences. The film isn't entirely bad and the lead is decent to watch but also makes several questionable decisions which we question in the end. The humor is at times very cheesy and cringe with a lot of very forced sequences.
  • Received raved reviews and praise and several awards upon its release. The story of this film has somewhat of an intriguing premise as it's meant to be a murder mystery of sorts. The overall execution does have strong performances from both leads but in the end we are left with a rather boring conclusion and several things which are confusing. This is a film which seems to have different interpretations and theories which is why people rate it so highly. The characters are completely unlikeable, and the story is simply boring to get through. There is also a lot more nudity than expected. Nothing is exactly clear and its apparent twist in the end is utterly confusing.
  • The premise of this film is clearly not meant to be taken serious as it's quite obviously a spoof and parody. However it feels quite more serious than it should have been given its plot description. Nothing about the film is as interesting given the content. It's a period piece mixed with a horror vampire aspect but the general feel and tone of the film simply isn't fun.

    The violence and gore is basic as one would expect. The film lacks an intriguing story and lacks any thrills, suspense or mystery. It's relatively tame at certain points and feels that it drags on far too much. Very dialogue driven which causes a lot of boring and dull scenes.
  • Perhaps started off relatively good and intriguing but later vanished into dull and silky territory. As a whole, Deadfall was an overly stretched watch because it was constantly reminding of how much better it could have been. Several potential opportunities were missed that could have elevated it above its peers, but instead it seems content to be a forgettable experience. Although not exactly a terrible movie, the glimpses of watch ability hidden behind the forced departure only serve to remind viewers that Deadfall could have been a tauter, more focused film than what they were given. With a subpar predictable ending.
  • Despite its title, 8mm 2 is a sequel in name only as there is no connection to the 1999 film starring Nicolas Cage. This sequel very much has the feel of a typical straight to video film where they ramp up the explicit scenes, and nudity for the sake of it. The plot isn't original and not very interesting. It does get a little intriguing towards the latter end but ultimately the twist and reveal isn't exactly a memorable moment.

    The overall tone and atmosphere wasn't nearly as thrilling or suspenseful as it could have been. The very ending with the lead Trish being on the train and spotting her husband with other members she was familiar with, with a look of disbelief wasn't quite clear. Our we lead to believe he wasn't faithful and everything was a setup? Overall it's rather dull and lifeless.
  • This film has seemingly received a lot of high praised among fans. The original source material is from a short then it was ultimately adapted into a full feature film. This is an independent British film and it very much feels so.

    Described as a fantasy romantic drama, it offers some comedic elements but overall it is incredibly slow moving, with an off beat pace where the central story tries being very touching, sentimental but simply falls flat and emotionless.

    The lead character is meant to be someone we are supposed to root for yet he comes across as standoff-ish, depressing and overall moody and someone you wouldn't want to interact with. Seemingly selfish in his ways and also incredibly creepy and perverted with his ability to be able to freeze frame time for him to do whatever.

    The infamous scene is where he's in the aisle of the supermarket and he freezes time then walks up to several young women revealing their clothing, touching them and suddenly starts painting. His behavior seems to be excused because he's a painter.

    None of this is ever explained as to how he has the ability to freeze and slow down time and it simply comes across as creepy. We are lead to believes it's a hallucination or dream-like yet in one scene he's able to pick up his boss, carry him and move him into another place.

    Later on, there is a soccer scene which was meant to be humorous but came across as forced and it drags on. Then towards the end, possibly the climax scene at the boss' party, our lead Ben sees his ex-girlfriend and things further spiral with him and the current love interest employee.

    Overall, it was hard to root for the lead as he came across as simply dull and unlikeable. None of the characters are likeable, especially the two male employees that are always fooling around. They are meant as comic relief but simply weren't funny and more so forced.

    For a film with a relatively short runtime, it drags on (too many flashback scenes of his childhood), and too many narration sequences.

    Cashback simply felt longer than it should have and ultimately was boring for the most part. One of the more pretentious and quite overrated films having seen.
  • This is a foreign film with an intriguing and interesting concept about two strangers waking up attached to one another. Now it wasn't exactly clear at what part of their bodies were they attached to, considering we see them move in several different positions throughout.

    The acting is fine and convincing by both leads. As we continue watching we start to discover more about the characters and their back stories and suddenly further truths come out. Mistakes by both characters were that they weren't telling each other the full and complete truth and inevitable towards the ending, they discover a rather shocking reveal. It wasn't entirely shocking as for those who may have read the "Plot Keywords" description on IMDB, those would lead to spoilers.

    The film didn't over stay its welcome but a little more could have been explained and detailed. The conclusion felt rushed and was ultimately disappointing and entirely depressing. Overall it's a solid horror thriller type, which certainly isn't for casual audiences.
  • Basing off the title, its cover art and seeing the very low rating, one would expect to not have high expectations of this film. We know it's parodying Airplane! (1980) and that it's obviously not meant to be taken serious. Even as a parody, it tries far too hard in being funny where everything is forced with cringe and simply unfunny humor. The majority of jokes are failed over the top sexual innuendos, bathroom toilet humor one after the other with nothing clever.

    The acting is poor with many of the cast not having much acting experience and the central plot is silly and makes little sense. How was it that the pilots have been dead for the majority of the plane ride, yet the airplane was able to stay in tact and didn't immediately crash? Nick Swardson's character and placement with finding the baby felt random and his subplot was easily one of the worst of the film. Everything about this film just has the feeling of trying too hard in being funny.
  • This film is very clearly a low budget independent based film which uses the "Amityville" name to garner a wider audience. Of course it has no relation to those films and we shouldn't compare it to such. We generally know what to expect from this type of film. Its main selling point is the abundance of nudity and explicit scenes shown throughout. Several are quite graphic with girl on girl using the vibrator in action with the camera panning in very closely.

    The acting isn't great as expected. The overall quality of the film is noticeably lower tier. There are some bizarre horror acts and including a ventriloquist dummy stabbing these women with a knife. Where the women looked incredibly weak in seeing how much bigger they were to the dummy.

    The conclusion went a little over the top gory with the dummy slicing off a character's face and putting it on his. The special effects and blood usages were certainly a lot. The dummy was possibly the best character as all the women were very bland and didn't stand out- maybe the nun but she has a very minor role and was underutilized.

    As a whole the film is essentially an adult film disguised as a film. It isn't long in runtime which is one positive.
  • Quite a very strange film but nothing too shocking and surprising to expect. Considering it's a Gregg Araki directed film, it very much is in line with his work of being over the top, overly sexual, bizarre and random happenings, visually stylistic over substance and just a convoluted mess. His films and work is clearly for an acquired taste that isn't quite mainstream Hollywood. This film felt quite reminiscent of his brief tv series Now Apocalypse which was released many years after Kaboom.

    As a film, we are never quite sure where it's heading which may be a good thing but it felt like random new characters kept being introduced. The central story plot is bizarre with the young college student that is having these hallucinations and doesn't know what's real or not, along with meeting new people along the way. The film felt like a poorly written comic book.

    The ending felt too over the top and random where new happenings were inserted for the sake of it. Did not like the very abrupt ending without any explanation of what exactly occurred.
  • This is very much a parody of older spy films and so writing not to be taken overly serious. Surprising to see it rated R as the tone and atmosphere very much feels something in which should have been rated PG-13. Considering this wasn't exactly a box office success as the studios possibly hoped for, a lot of blame could be putting on due to its R rated.

    Besides, as a film it really isn't funny in the slightest with the humor being over the top and very forced. Mila Kunis plays her typical character as the lead while Kate McKinnon feels far too over the top and becomes more annoying as the film progresses.

    The plot moves as you would expect with little twists and turns but nothing is shocking. They certainly try throw different scenarios but nothing is truly memorable. There are some enjoyable moments but as a whole this is majority just unfunny and it drags on.

    Also it looked as if they intended on making a sequel. However it's been nearly seven years and it looks like that isn't happening anymore.
  • Based on a popular novel, this adaptation was severely anticipated upon its release. However after bad word of mouth leading up to its release with controversy surrounding the film, it went through a streaming release after initially intended for theater purposes.

    Described as somewhat of an erotic thriller, Deep Water doesn't go too far and is quite more tame than expected. Not many explicit scenes as expected as they are very brief and far in between. The violence isn't also as graphic.

    The plot is intriguing but it feels the film doesn't reach its heights that it should have been. The climax is repetitive with the ultimately predictable death of a side character. There wasn't exactly any twists or reveals. However even with its flaws, it's enjoyable enough. Nothing special but it moves at a decent pace.
  • Apparently this is a remake of a film released roughly forty years prior. Having not seen the original and only briefly reading the synopsis of this film. Did not exactly know too much what to expect. The story isn't anything great and is quite predictable but it's more of a slow burner thriller. The cast all do solid work as James Marsden is always a likeable enough lead to root for. Kate Bosworth as his wife is also great. Alexander Skarsgård as the lead villain is menacing enough.

    The film starts roughly slow showing the introduction of its characters. Things are relatively tame but we understand they're will be a shift towards the second half. And if course once we get more familiar, the thriller part comes further in.

    Of course the highlight scenes are its finale invasion scene where the violence becomes unhinged and goes all out. The bear trap to the head is off course caught off guard and shows a great visual, as does the other violent kills. In the end, the outcomes were predictable but as a whole it's worthwhile simply for the conclusion. Solid passable enough thriller.
  • For a comedy film, it has a quite straightforward and thinly pieced plot but it has a certain enjoyable charm and entertainment factor. The film is certainly watchable for the performance of Elizabeth Banks portraying a seemingly innocent woman who gets stuck in bizarre situations where things ultimately spiral out of control. This is a comedic film where the humor is slightly more crude and at times forced.

    It is rated R filled with a lot of crude language and sexual content but necessarily too crude- though the content is warranted. Nothing is really laugh out loud but it's silly enough to not take too serious. Which apparently the critics took this film far too serious.

    This feels like a road trip, journey type film without a vehicle which chronicles our lead and we aren't sure what may lead next but we watch to see where see goes next m. Of course things go from bad to worse with questionable actions on her part.

    In the end, this is a silly film held by a strong likeable performance from Banks which makes it worthwhile enough.
  • Having never heard of this film prior to watching but seeing some positive reviews. With some expectations of expecting a compelling story, decent gore and an overall intrigue. This film disappoints in those aspects. The story is entirely confusing and moves at a pace where things seemingly happen. This film clearly takes imitation of past films which are better in several ways. It feels more so like a parody of the Mad Max films and other greater zombie films.

    The characters just lack everything making it intriguing. Several different characters are brought into scene and we aren't sure what their names are. The visuals are the best aspect of the film but even so it's nothing special. The gore certainly is violent to satisfy most but the story is simply boring.
  • This is another lower budget independent film which really did not need a sequel. It is very much just a sequel in name, as there are connections to the original. The original film wasn't great but it had a decent enough concept and a compelling performance by the lead Android. Now this follow up feels just as lower budget, maybe a little better but the story is not as intriguing and more confusing. The Android woman in this film isn't as good as the one served in the original but she's decent enough.

    For the most part, everything is relatively bland and moves at a slow pace. There is somewhat of an unexpected twist near the end which makes things a little more interesting. It elevates the film slightly but overall it's not that great. The acting is also very amateurish and not convincing, both by the lead man and his wife.
  • The description makes it sound like something slightly different and intriguing. However after a few minutes. We could easily see how low budget and nonsensical this piece of filmmaking is. It's supposedly a zombie film but the genre feels extremely dull, generic and simply boring. The tone is severely off, no thrills, no suspense. It feels more like a borderline drama- without any drama.

    The camera angles to several fight scenes are filmed in an amateurish way. The acting isn't great either, nor are the characters. Whom we don't exactly know who is who or even remember their names.

    Overall there is just a lot lacking to make this movie any worthwhile. The story's execution is terrible and worst of all it's boring. We simply don't care for the title character of Johnny Z.
  • There is a reason as to why this film wasn't a success and is certainly forgotten. Directed by beloved director David Zucker, An American Carol was meant to be a clear form of back to roots in terms of parody control, quality and success. However this film was far from funny and very much forced. The concept isn't anything great and will only appease to those fans of the director or parody films, but in the end it's incredibly unfunny.

    The lead Michael Malone (Kevin Farley) is clearly parodying Michael Moore, from the name to the overall appearance. There are several notable names in this film and they seem to be trying but everything just falls short. Even with a short runtime, this film feels long.
  • This film certainly seems to poke fun at Hollywood in a way which somewhat parodies the acts of Hollywood people in directors, writers, producers and talent agency members. The concept isn't entirely bad but the overall story simply isn't interesting of note. The character of Robert De Niro comes across as one would expect as he does a solid job for us trying to follow his story with different subplots.

    The central plot of his character having to get Bruce Willis to shave his beard for a specific role was rather over the top. The other partial central plot dealing with changes to one of his films was better. Either weren't great and were nothing special. For a film titled "What just happened". We do ask that a lot throughout the film and it's apparent. It all comes down to it, as why should we care about any of this.
  • The concept sounded somewhat different, the central plot seemed completely ridiculous and far fetched yet we get along with it and remained watching. The problem are the characters simply aren't likeable enough to root for. It features two sets of couples with the central couple focus being more so on the pairing of Donna and Stanny (whom are the lesser likeable ones) while the other yet more far fetched couple are Christi Ann and Joe. The plot delves into tv rom-com territory where things become repetitive, typical and ultimately boring. At a certain point, interest was rather lost and the ending was ultimately predictable. This film was incredibly irritating with the constant bickering, constant over the top cursing (which was very excessive).
  • The concept of this film is certainly nothing to take too seriously given its description. It's a very on brand 2000's era romantic comedy with a fantasy superhero aspect. The cast all does solid work and play their role fine enough. The film doesn't contain laughs as you would want but it's more of the juvenile predictable and bland type of humor. The execution isn't too bad but overall nothing that memorable.

    The film feels like it was meant to rated R and that it seems like certain jokes, gags and scenes were cut back to ensure a PG-13 rating. Perhaps with more raunchy type of content, such as Idiocracy or Knocked up, this film would have been a lot better. In the end it's passable as a light hearted comedy but it's nothing special.
  • The original Alien vs Predator film released in 2004 was entirely a disaster of a film and a major disappointment. Now with this follow up three years later, with expectations decreasing. This sequel felt a little more authentic and more engaging than its predecessor. The overall visuals and camera angles looked better and were more engaging with the style of the film. It felt more horror aspect and had some subtle thrills and suspense. Although the story is still somewhat lacking, there was more of an effort in this film. Of course it's not great but highly more enjoyable than the original film.
  • This film was certainly a major disappointment in terms of quality. Upon its release, severely a lot of anticipation was thought. Simply by the cast involved, it wasn't the best cast of leads and supporting actors. As a film it feels entirely lifeless and drags on to the point where the plot focuses on and becomes rather boring. Nothing too memorable about this movie. The action is very standard and bland. A strong lack of real thrills or suspense.

    The characters felt more like background characters and were one dimensional and we simply did not care for them. It was very lifeless in the approach and we felt nothing once one character felt its demise. Overall just a bland and generic lifeless action film.
  • Featuring a gripping and overly graphic violent action satire film surrounding around an apparent virus at a corporate business office firm. The film is a cross combination of Wanted and the Belko Experiment. The story isn't really that creative or anything special. Everything is predictable and at times we wonder what exactly was the point in the the. The entire concept with the lead character of Derek wanting to please the bosses and advance towards to the top was somewhat confusing. His character wasn't exactly likeable either. Samara Weaving felt underused. And the top boss was very weak and not threatening.

    There wasn't much detail about how the virus started. Overall it's an action movie with highly over the top bloody action sequences in a realistic setting which people would enjoy. Nothing special about the film but it's averagely entertaining.
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