
IMDb member since January 2009
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    15 years


Take the Night

Solid Heist Drama
Heist drama, not necessarily a heist thriller. Lot's of emotional weight many of the characters carry with them. Overall well done and a fairly tight 90 minutes.

I enjoyed the writer was able to voice characters that truly felt separate/distinct from each other.


First 25 mins was good, but then...
If you love hearing all the technicalities of HIV testing and a plethora of he said/she said interviews over and over again this documentary is for you!


It's alright to admit the show is just "ok" and not "spectacular"
It's always better to let a show age before reviewing. I think too many David Simon admirers wanted to love this show just like "The Wire". It's a very different show in many ways. It's definitely watchable most of the time, but it's not great, and we shouldn't feel the need to expect it to be either. It gets much too pompous and self-important at times, I'm particularly tired of hearing how "special" New Orleans is and that we should all just accept it and bow down. Many of our cities have their own unique qualities and personalities forged over hundreds of years, New Orleans isn't unique in this way. My biggest problem is that I could overlook these misgivings if some of the characters were more engaging, but many I just don't have a vested interest in. And I must ask; how often do you end an episode with the feeling of "Wow, I can't wait to see what happens next week!"? Admit it, that rarely happens and that should tell you something...

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