
IMDb member since December 2002
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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

A Magical Secret Movie!
I hated Harry Potter, but when I went to see the movie I just fell in love with it. I have read the book five times each, I have seen the movie about eight or nine times, and my room is literally filed with HP merchandise. This movie is such a compelling story full of mystery and excitement. The story starts as always, when Harry is with his aunt and uncle. He feels traped (which he later is by his uncle) because he has not recieved letters from his friends and is still treated badly by his own blood-family he has. When Dobby, a house elf, shows up in his room and warns him not to return to Howgarts, that a terror has been unleashed on mudbloods (muggle born). Harry ignores these warnings and returns to Howgarts, just to discover that a monster has been petrifing mudbloods throughout the year. When all the clues start adding up, it is up to Ron and Harry to capture the monster, bring Hagrid back, and get rid of all the rumors and evil that has been circling around his life. These is a story which all kids around the world will enjoy and cherish for decades to come. I gave this movie a 10 out of 10.

My Big Fat Greek Life

Big Fat Greek Dissapointment
I loved the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but the TV show was not as good as I expected. I started seeing it but did not finish it, it has 1 or 2 good laughs but the rest of the show literally stinks. First of all, the names change and you get confused. Second of all, the story does not follow the movie. And third, there are no laughs, Ian, or as he is called in the show, Thomas, is a really bad actor, no talent at all, he is also not funny. It seems as they are beging for some funny moments, but they try to hard. I gave it a 2 out of 10.

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