
IMDb member since October 2010
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    IMDb Member
    13 years


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Nádherná rozprávka
Fairy tale inspired by Mark Twain's The Prince and the pauper, with interference in Slovak life and institutions. The film is funny, balanced, precise narrative and the cast is excellent. After sixteen years it's finally a film fairy tale, with everything that belongs to this genre. Cast pop singer Celeste Buckingham was certainly chosen to drive traffic, but it's a legitimate calculus, which I understand. Fairy tale makes sense if good triumph over evil, and when evil is punished by merit. Positive figures should have good qualities and be beautiful. Negative figures should be dark, but the primary evil and ugly. All this fairy tale meets. The essence of the fairy tale genre is black and white relationship between good and evil, and the simple psychology proceedings characters to the audience, especially children understood and accepted. It's a film that was needed and that, I suppose, will be fully appreciated only after many years, if not decades.

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