
IMDb member since October 2010
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    13 years


Rookie Blue

Nowadays the networks put on a huge display in TV shows, giving us what they think we want, the big film effects, the huge drama but what we really want is a realistic telling of these types of situations like what it is like being a rookie in the police force or an intern at a hospital, people want to know what it is really like.

This show does exactly that, it gives us what it is really like as a rookie police officer, what challenges are faced every day and what the high marks are in the job. Plus on the side it gives us the little bit of drama that we crave from our television :P

I would say this show is a brilliant show and should definitely be watched and kept on the air because it is worth the money it takes to be put on filmed and aired.


Great Show
I love this show and these kind of shows are under valued and always seem to be taken off the air before people can form a proper opinion about them. I really hope they don't do that with this show because it is probably one of the only decent shows on TV at the moment, everything that shows some form of promise seems to be thrown out for more and more idiotic reality TV shows that show no more reality than a pig on skates.

This TV show actually shows the problems that can happen to teenagers nowadays instead of dramatizing unlikely events for the sake of ratings.

I highly recommend 'Awkward', definitely shouldn't be missed.


Mike & Molly

Absolutely Brilliant !!! Make More !!!
This is one of the only shows that I cannot wait to watch I absolutely love it. I love Melissa McCarthy because she is absolutely beautiful and talented and Billy Gardel is also very talented in this show. Whoever does not like this show does not have taste and whoever has a bad thing to say shouldn't say anything at all! I would also like to say that the other actors in this show are very talented and the writers should be proud of themselves because this is a top notch show !!! All I have to say now is that make sure there is more than one series of this show because simply it is the best and I absolutely love it and I am sure I am not the only one :)

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